Resolution 1927/11/07 -r . .-.~.-_.._, "-'-'~""~'",._-.-..."..,"'-_', >"",.""",-_":"",,,,--",,-,,,,,,,,_=,,,,_~~,,,~,,,,_.'",,,_,,,",,,c,,,".c,..'._"'c__~_. _."..""",., -, ",~-,"'--'=""':'i"",,,~,=~,""'''''''F'-,,''.-~--''.l-'<'F''''.-;:'_-'''''''''''_''""'.__"""""C"'''';:-_:''''''''''''>:_''=.~____n_d_'."";:",:~,.=__~q,,,'~="""';>1,"",~,"<"~"","4""":''''~''1o;.'-~'''-,\'';_M"~':::O:.,''-~<:<;'>;''=t""=,)'~=;j('':;:_~''_M,::C:;;'''I'C:''?;.''~'''''~_,;:'.'O:'''-_-,-_-L':.':;o:~"",~~':c;~';;x,_"~".'";;:;r,,,-,,~,";._=~;::,,,:c;'.-.:O~'-""- 4f By motion 01' E. Martin JOhnson, seconded by E. J. Ohesbro the following resolutioa was passed and adopted, vizs € WIE~S, owners or the majority frontage 01' certain streets have petitioned the Kayor and Common Council to pave said streets, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council believe that berore any paving is done it will be necessary to provide the City with storm sewers, and the construction or said storm sewers are a public necessity, now, thererore, be it BESOLVEDs That the City Surveyor and Engineer, be, and he is hereby, instructed to rurn1sh to the Common Council complete plaDS and specifications ror storm sewers tor the entire City. Vote, Ayes, Council.JDen E. Martin Johnson, C. E. Fredriekson, Jerome Chappell, Gerald Becker, Elmer J. Chesbro; Boes Council-o men Chas. B. Pierce; A.bsent Councilmen, Rone. .