Resolution 1926/01/04 (3) ~,y.;,~~ ~~"""'l ~- ,- '~R-I""'::~,,,1-1 ,F. ',' "~(l"'Wr,~~"'~.ww~~<ot;r~;'i,,,~ll'.m;~~~~l:'1Q""..;;~(;liti . Ey motion of Chesbro, seoonded by Radtke the following reeolu- '")(:;- ~:: <,,' " ..~.. i !-~ -,. ~ , t10n was a.doptedi ~~ESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy that pursua.nt and subject to all of tlle term. .oonditions and provisions of Chapter 373 of the Ca11forni&fStatu- tes of 1913 ani all amendmente thereto, rela.t1ng to domestio water supplie., application by this City be made to the State Board of Health of the State of California, for a permit to eupply water to the inhabitant. of Gilroy from Uvas Croek and from city wells through the existing system with the addition of Chlorination of the Uvaa Creek supply ae shown on blue prints attaohed. That the Mayor of said City i. hereb' authorized and directed to cause the neoessary data to be prepa.red, and inve.tiga.tiona to be mad" and in the name of the City of Gilroy to sign a.nd file such applioatmon with the said State ~oard of Health. " Vote, Aye., Councilmen Chas. H. Pieroe, R. Erem, Sr,) C. I. FredriCkson, Wm. Radtke) Elmer J. Cheebro : Noes) Councl+men, None: Absent Councilma.n, Gerald Hecker.