Resolution 1926/04/07 (2) r ....,--.~---- "'... c,_~~............ By motion or c. E. Fredrickson, seconded by Ohas, H. Pierce and carried the rollowing Resolution was adOl)ted: ;.-. BE IT IillSOJJVIm, That on Monday, the 3rd day or May, 1926, an election be held in the City or Gilroy, County or Santa Clara, state or California, ror the purpose of elcting the following City Officers for the City or Gilroy, viz: 11ayor, Six Councilmen; Treasurer; City Clerk; Marshal. For said election two precincts are hereby established and the boundaries thereor, polling places and Boards or Election [',are -1 .If u.. as rollows: FIl1ST PHECINCT: All tha~ portion or the City or Gilroy in- eluded within the boundaries or Gilroy Precinct No.1 and Gil- roy Precinct No.2 or the City or Gilroy as established by the . Board or Supervisors or the County or Santa Clara, state or California. For the purpose of this election said Gilroy Pre- cinct No. 1 and Gilroy Precinct No, 2 are hereby combinecl, and :for the purpo~esof said lllunicipal election shall be 10l0im as First Precinct. P01ling place; Municipal.fire house on Fifth street. "'- 2'-" 1 ..,.J { _~ Board of' Election, Inspector, sam HOOIWI'; Juclges, H. F. Lord, and Aileon Frecu~ickson; Clerks i.Iildred Dowell, Eva l!JDOd and Hary Hollenback. SECOND Pn.,~CINCT: All that portion of" -i-lle Ci 'Gy of' Gil.r"uy included within the boundaries of Gilroy Precinct No, 3, Gil- ray Precinct No. 4 and Gi1l1oy Precinct No. 5 of' the City of' Gil- roy, as established by the Boarel of' Supervisors of' the Oounty of' Santa Clara, State of' Oalifornia. For the purpose of' this el- ection said Gilroy Precinct NO.3, Gilroy Precinct No.4 nnd Gilroy.Precillct NO.5 are hereby cOLlbined and for the purpose of said LIunicipal Election shall be known as Secom1 Precinct. Polling place, City Dall on Sixth street. Board of' Election, Inspector, Phil Cox; Judges, George S, Tremaine and Sarah F. Tryon; .Cler1>:8, Adelle Dombau,c~h, til.ary Hea and TIea trice I,1oore. The polls will be open at six o'clocl{ A. H. of' the day of election' and remain open until seven o'clock P. H. of' the saue day whon the polls will be closed, except as provided in Section 1164 of tIle Political Code of' the state of California. In all other respects the said election will he held in ac- cordancewith the General election laws of the state of Galifor- nia. The Clerk of' t]le Ci ty of' Gilroy will cause the nocessary pro- clamation to be published. Vote. Ayes, Conl1cilE1en Chas. H. Pierce, C. E. Freclrickson, Gerald Hecker, l.:;1l2ler J. Chesbl'o; ., Noes, Oouncilmen, l~one; Ab- sent by permission Councilman H. Brem, Sr.;~Absent Councilman Wm. Had tr:e. .