Resolution 1926/06/21 . By motion of' E. Martin Johnson, seconded by Jerome Chap- pell the f'ollowing resolution was adOl)ted, viza \VHEHEAS, it has been ~certained that the real property ~ 280 :~ hereinafter described will not be required in the installa- ~'<'{:: ..'~~ v ,- \w'~.J tion of' a new sewer Gysteu, and the same is not reqllirecl or "'~""I needed by the City of' Gilroy for any other useful purpose, and WIIEI"WAJ, it vvill be 1'01' the benefi t of tl1e Oi ty to' sell said property, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be and he is hereby author- ized and directed to advertise said property f'or sale to the highest bidder f'or cash, said bids to be sealed and to be accompanied by a certified check for ten per cent. of the price bid and be f'iled vvi th said Clerl;:: be1'ore 12 :00 0' clock noon on the 6th day of JUly, 1926, the Council to reserve the right to reject any or all bids, and the terms of' the sale to be cash. / The f'ollowin!?; is a description of the said property, to- wit: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of' land, situate, ly- ing and being in the County of' Santa Clara, state of' Calif'or- nia, and bounded and particularly described as f'ollows, to- ';'fi t: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of the City of' {;il- roy; thence north 69 deg. 5S' east, f'ive hundred and four- te.m and 38/100 (514.aU) f'eet to the west boundary line of' a 1G.31 acre tract conveyed to n. Drem by deed dated June Bth, 19~JO; thence along the west boundary line of said tract,.ancl the east boundary of' a thirty foot road reservation sOUtlL 0 deg 4 1/2' west five hundrecl and fifty-four ancl 16/100 ( 564- .16) feet; thence south 60 dog. 55-1/2' west three hundred.' D:nc1 twenty-fonr and 17/100 ( 3;~4.17) feet; thence north 20 20 "dog. wost f'ive hunclrecl and twenty and 62/100 (520.62) f'eet to the point of' begilllling, and containing ~ive and t1100 (5.01) acres, lJeing portions o~ Las Animas Ranch Lots 43 and 44 according to the maps accompanying the ~inal repol"t of' the ref'erees in the partition of' said Hancl1o. Also an easenlent over and upon a strip o~ land thirty (30) f'oet wiele reservecI f'or a public roael f'ro111 land f'ormerly or nolV' owned by Joe Buzzini, the easterly line of saicl strip of' lancl lJeing described as f'ollows: Beginning at a point w'lrich bears north 69 deg. 58' east five hundred f'ourteon and 33/100 (514:.38) feet frot! the southoasterly cornel" of' Gilroy cit;)r limits; thence north 0 deg. 4 1/~;' east four hundrecl ' ninety-four and 51/100 (404.51) feet to the Olel Gilroy llDad. EXCEPTING and reserving the right o~ way for a public roml, of that portion of the a~oresaicl thirty f'oot road lying within the above described tract. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen C. H. Pierco, B. Martin Johnson, C. :c. Fredrickson, Jerome Chappell, Ellner J. ChesbI'o, Hoes, Councilmen, None; l\IJsent Councilman Gerald lleclcer.