Resolution 1926/10/04 By motion of' Jerome C11<111pell, seconded by Bluer J. Ches- bra the f'allmvinc; resolu t:Lon was adopted. iYHElmAS, it appears to this Doarcl that. Fifty Dollars per Llonth is not adequate compensation :for the Police Judge, therep :fore be it i .I.6i...IvLVZD, that the salary of' the Police JudGe of' this City be and the same is hereby increased to Seventy-f'ive ($75.00) pollars per l:lonth to taIs:e ef'f'ect Sept. 1st. 1926. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen C. H. Pierce, :8. Hartin Johnson, C. . Fredrickson, Jerome Chappell, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J, Chesbro; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent Councilmen, None.