Resolution 1926/11/01 i .,io tiol1 by "l";, ~. ~,rartin Johnson, seconQecl by Jerone Chappell and carried: That. the :fOllowinG resolution he mloptecl: R:.I;SOLV:CD, tllat Attorney D. T. Jenh:ills he, and he is 11e1'e- by elill)loyecl to assis t the Ci ty Attorney in Llcf'enclil1C the City ~ I' of' Gilroy, and its llayor and COLUJOn Council, in connection with the suit broLlGht ~ D. C. Brooks, assi(9'lee of' Charles E. 290 Sloan, a11(1.. l:'1l0 cOUPCnOH tion or saicl A ttorncys is 11GrclJ:J7' rij'oci. " . at Fl' {>-;.,Qr'll l'Ll'lc'J:~Q(" ( ('.' 1""IV\ 0' ()) J. v...... ....1. -............ " ",)\.,,'~j . Dollars, :1:'01' all services 1"on- Clered in tho ;~3Llllorior Courts, and an a,1c'1.i tional foo of' Fi vo Hunc1rod ( ::;500.(0) Dollars, to be paid in tho event of' an ap- peal to the higher courts. Vote, Ayes, Conncimen C. 11. Pierce, Lartin Johnson, C. -,.., _'...J . ~. b'reclric;csol1, J eroue Chappell, Gerald Hecker, :SIllier J. Ches- bro; Hoes, Counciluen, None; Absent, Councill:;~en, None. . .:,;;,;. ~ '70 {. ......... ~ --~-