Resolution 1926/11/01 (2) r By LiO tion of' :s. 1.Iartin Johnson, seconded by C. II. Pierce and. carried the followinG resolution was adopted: nTllElillAS, the Mayor and ComDon Council is about to call an election 1'01" the purpose of' votinG bonds, the proceeds of' which are to be used in the purchase of' a site aml f'or the instal- lation of' asewa:.:;e disposal plant, and \'1H:8HEAS, it is necessary to obtain certain riGhts-of-way 1'01" lJlacin[; the proposed sewer line" and \'lHEImAS, Richard Bret.l" P. Delonini, Abdon Nannini, Lino Nannini, Fany L. Shepard and ?'velyn Shepard are the owners of' the prolJerty through which it is prposed to run said sewer, and have aereoel to execute and deliver to the City of' Gilroy boo(l al1(l suf'ficient Deeds to said riGht o:f ,'my" said deeds to be held in escrow by the Gilroy Branch of' the Eercantile Trust Company o:f Cali:fornia, and to be delivered to the City when the bonds I1crein-bef'ore ref'orred to, have been vo tee1 and sold, now, thcre:fore, in consideration of' tIle granting of said rights of' way 1)0 it IillSOLVED.. tl1a t the I.Layor and Ci tjT Clerk be and they are hereby authorized, on behalf' of' the City, to enter into a contract with said naLled property owners to the followinG ef'1'ectf (1) T~Lat the City will remove the present f'ence now on the proposed right-oi'...way. (2) That when'said sewer has been laid and properly cov- ered the City will erect a new f'ence along said line, where- ever the same constitutes the presont :fence lino, said f'ence to consist of' 5 wires fastened upon 7 f'oot redwood posts, set :3 f'eet in the Ground.. and 10 roet apart with two picI\:ets inserted between the posts, tIle saLle to be substantially aUlL properly constructed and to the satisf'action of' said proper- ~', -' 291 ty OTrneI'~J. ~ (3) That tIle City will reiubuI'so said property 01711- erG f'or any cLn.L1a",;e done toal:fali'a or Growing crops 1'lhile en:::;ae:;OlL in t:lC construction of' said sewer line or at any time tllerearter wIlen cl1torinc; upon the preuises :for mal:::- inG repairs to the sauc. (4) All of' said construction worI;: to be clono cntirely at the expense of' tho City and said agreement is to take ei'f'ect and be in :Lull :force upon the voting of saicl boncls and tIlo delivery to tho City or said Deeds. Vote, Ayes" Conllcilnen C. H. Pierce, :s. Hartin John- son" c. =~. Fredrickson, J eI'Olac Chappell, Gerald HecL:er, Elmer J. Chesbro; lioes" Councilmen, Hono; oilnon" None. Absent Coun- ,