Resolution 1926/12/16 , By l:lOtion of Elmer J. Chesbro, seconded by E. Hartin J01111- \ll1l~ICJAS" l)Lu'suant to OrlLinance No. 340 or t.he Ci ty of' ,p;. X '~'10 ,.,. ~o""'" I"'-l 298 son and carr-ioel the f'ollowinc; resolution riaS aclopted: Gilroy, a special ~unicipal ~lection was held in said Ci t~l of' Gilroy on Tuosday, DocouIJor 14, HJ:26, ancl Illl:=;lCA:.J" cLue notice or saicl election war] t;ivon and r-jalCL election was hold. at Ule time and in the Ummel" recluirecL by la,'! and the prov:Lsions of' said Ordinance No. 3<:'cO" of' said City of' Gilroy, and WllBlillAS" said eloction was le[;ally and f'airl:T COllt-~Llcted and tIiG retLll~ns thereof' duly D.l1(l recularly macLe to tIle IIayor ancl COLlLon Council of' tIle Oi ty of' Gilroy" and said returns have been duly canvassed b;:l said. Eayor and Ooml.lon Council" as requirecl by law" and \ll[S~C;AG" at said special I-Iunicipal :81ectioll a proposit- ion \las :J~(i !ili t t,oci. to incur a bonclec1 iTttlebteelness 01' One Hun- drell Ten 'fhousancl '\. .;:> (0110,,000.00) Dollars by said City of' Gil- roy f'or tIle pbject:ancl purpose 01' payinG tlle cost of' the ac- q uisition, construction an<1 cOi.lplct.iol1 of' a uunicipal in- provcuent, to-wit: Smlers, sewaGe tanks and other sanitar-y rewaL:o J.isposal equ:i.puollt. or works, and land upon wIdcll to 10 ca te -;;'110 s<1ne" and ,m:"';IUAS, tllO total l1uuber of' votes cast at said special LIlllli~ipal :aection 011 said proposition Ims Three Hundred Thirty-nine (33D), and two llUnclrecl ei.:~hty-f'ive (;.~:J5) votes so cast wel~e in :favor of' the said. proposition and f'ii'ty-f'our (54) mtes were cast aGainst said proposition" two-~rlras of' all tIle votcs cast at said special 1,:unicilml j~lection were in f'avor or said proposition anCL of' incLlrrllv; tllO bon(le(:' il1clebtecilless sel:. f'ortll in ::w,ic1 IH'Opo:;itiol1l now, tllOrei'ore, be it n:":';;jOiN~~D: That tlw said proposition was" and t.He Ilayor ancl CaLlDon Conncil 0:2' the City of' Gill'o;;r do hereby rind and declare that sa.id llroposi tion liaS duly carriecl" accepteel and adopted. by the votes 'of' tvm-thirds of' the Toters votinr-; at said special election ancl that said. proposition has carried and. bill 1'1 clul~T accepted by tIle qualif'iecl voters 01' tllC Oi t;{ of' Gilroy, anll that tIle City of' Gilroy is (luly au tho ri zeCl to is- sue bonds of' said 01 ty in tIle al:lOunt of' One Humlred Ten C)110 ,000.00) doallrsl as in Ordinance No. 340 provided. Vote, llyes, COLlnciluen Chas. H. Pierce, ':=;. Hartin Johnson, c. :~. Fredrickson, Jeroue Chappell, ::1r.101'" J. CI18sbro; Noes, Coul1ciluen, None; Absent Councilmen Gerald Hecker. . 299