Resolution 1925/01/05 By motion or Frec1rickson, seconcle.l am! carried the 1'01- lowing Resolution was wlopte~, Tiz: WIIE:mAS, unller the eLa. te of the 14th of NOTernber, 1921. Julia Allen, ~3 Principal and The Aetna Casulty and Surety Company, a corpora tion, a.s surety, 'lieL execute a honel in the amount of $ 85,000.00 in raTOr of the City of Gilroy, State of California, to COTer the proceet1s of the sa.le or hond:] of the Ci ty of' Gilroy preTiou3ly Totell anl issued :for extensions to Ii the water system of' sai:1 City; anrl WHEREAS, said .Julia Allen, as City Treasurer, has noW' f"ur- nished separate bon~s in t~e a~~rc~ate or $fiO,OOO.oo to the Mayor anJ. Common Councilor the City of Gilroy, conrlitioned tha t saifl Julia Allen shall well, truly and fai thf'ully per- f'orm all o1'ricial cluties requirc(l or l1er ny law, ancl all such a.:.1Lli tiond.l 11uties as m~y hereaf'tcr inposed on her as sllch nl~ ~~t & orficer by any law of the State or California or by any or- dinance of the City or Gilroy; aIDl Wm~HEAS, the aforesd.irl bon(ls in the amount of $50,000.00 are now sufTlclent to prote~t fully the interests nr the City or Gilroy; NOW, 1'lm:nli'Om~, the Common Cnll11cll nf the City of Gilroy hereby declares sai~ $8G,OOO.OO bonl f'irst anOTC menttone.l to be canccllcll, but only as to further lia.,il1. ty, from NoV'cM"CT" 14th, 1924, the anniTcrsary date of said ~ond, ani t~~ date upon \f~ich sUCCeS:'iOl"'Y lJon,ls were CXCCllt(~ct to aC!{!:re1!:ate the sum of $50,000.00 a~ recite.l her'~in. Vo'te, Ayes, Couneilnr:m, C. H. nierce, H. TIrern, Sr., C. 'R. Fredrickson, Wm. Had.tIm, Gerald Heclmr, C. W.C;chenel; Noes, . Councilwcn, None; A"lJsrmt CWlncilr1en, None. Ii