Resolution 1925/06/01 By motion 01" HecJcer, seconele(l by Radtke and carried the followinl Resoultion was passed and adopted: WHftftBAS, Cbarles W. Schemel, one of the Counoilmen of the City of Gilroy, died on the 28th day of April, lQ25; and, "HEnEAS, a Tacancy has occurred in the office of the Couneil- men by reason or the death of said Charles W. Schemel, which Ta- cancy has occurre(l at a time morc than three months preTious to the regular election; NOW, 'rHEHEFOllE, Be it HesolTed, That t11e off'ice of' Council- liaR hereto tore held by saifl Charles W. Schemel is, ami the same is hereby declare(l Tae8nt. And Be it Further ResolTed that a special election he called to be held in the City of' Gilroy on Wednesday, the 8th day of' July, 1925, for the nurpose of' electinl a Counoilman to fill su.h Tacancy; that for the purpose ot said speoial eleetioR there shall be two elction preeo~cts in the c~ty of Gilroy which shall be established as follows: FIRST PRECINCT: For the purpose of' said special election Gilroy Precinct No.1 and Gilroy Precinct MO..2, as establish- ed by the Board of SuperTisors of the County of Santa Clara, State 11' Calff'orbia are herby consolidated and shall be knnwn as First Precinct, the poling place of which precinct shall be the Municipal Fire House on Fifth Street, in the City ot Gi1- roy, and the board ot Election of said precinct shall be: Inspector, H. F. Lord; Judges, S. Hooper and Hilda Mad- sen; Clerks, Mary Hollenback, Hazel Martin and Fannie Holmes. SECOND PH.I~C INCT : For the purpose of' salel special eleet- ion Gilroy Precinct No.3, Gilroy Preoinct No.. 4 and Gilroy Precinct No. 5 as established by the Board of' SuperTisors ot tbe County of Santa Clara, State of' California~ are hereby consolidated anlt shall be known as Seconel Precinct, the pollin,; Ii place or which precinct shall be the City Hall in the City of Gilroy amI the Boa.l of Election of said precinct shall be: Inspector, Geo. S. Tremaine; Judg~s, Phil Cox and Rara~ F. 'fry-on; Clerks, Adele Dombaugh, Birdie SylTe8ter and Ber- tba M. Kellzie. The Clerk of the City of Gilroy shall cause the necessa:r, proelamation to be published. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen C. H. Pierce, n. Brem, Sr., C. E. FredricJrson, Wm. Had tke, Gerald Hecker; Noes, CounoilMen, None; Absent Councilnen, None. , ')r""O) ~a,~