Resolution 1924/02/11 T -",~''''~~'_'." .~,.",.."".,,* """':",~''''^'_"'''_'-''''''>''.;...<<,'''''''''.'.~.'''''''''~,_,'o.'';~-,_. C._,....;,,,,_",,, ,,,"'.~"i''G--;.''''' ~ "'''C';''~+""",'""--".''-'..,;",~.",,;''''L'''','-''~'''''~~'''',,:,,,'~~"_'~"-',C<.""-,::"."",:.'''='''=,~~':;',-<='''''''''''.C~'-=C'';=,,,:.''', ,~",;'~C;K"~'<."';.'_~~',;;;'.;"X4;!"-"";""'~,"^''"'_':>>.'.'.x",';"'-"-"""'~'''.'i,;:,:'._'.''.'~,c;'';, c' "C..: "':.,";':_~i,c;.~~',="-"",",.5.~")";'=',,,,,,~,-,,,,, ~.Iotlon by Geral'l Hccker, neconflc,l by Chas. W. Schemel and carried that thA following resolution be passe~ ~nd aLloptefl, Tlz: im~{()LVgJ, 'fhat the o1'rice of Cl ty J~n~lneer Is ami the same is hereby decla.re-l "Vacant. BE I'f FUnTH~a ng~)OLVTi:J, That Charles p,. Sloan 01' San Francisco be and he is hereby elected and appointed City ~n- gineer. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen C. E. Fredrickson, wm. Radtke, Ger- ald Uecker, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; Ab- sent Counc; lmen Pl. J. Chesbro. A. W. !lrown. .