Resolution 1924/02/11 (2) . By motion or c. E. Fredrickson, ~econ~ed by Chas. W. 3chemel the rollnwinp.: resolution W;J.;1 pa.<;scll an.l adopted.; Tiz: illflGOLVrD, by the ;.{ayor an,1 Common Council of the City of Gilroy that the plans and specifications entitled "5pecif'ica- tions f'or Extensions to Water System, City of Gilroy, as pre- pared by Chas. l~. Sloan, En~ineer, and submittAd this 11th day 144 ,_",...i'..""""'''''''i'''"''r'....',i.....=<__'''''.V,''''~''''''',.=~~~ .' -'~~~~""~."'''"''"'''"*'*''''..,,;.''''''~'''-''.w'"!\;.r~~' "',,?,:r.-" nf F'ebru.l.PY, 19:2.1, be iUl,l the si.l.m'~ are h0re1)y a.loptA'l a~ and f'or the plans an~ specifications for ~oin~ tho work f . outline,l therein, a.mi a.....P- hereby refp-rr(~,l to f'or fltrther particula.rs. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen C. R. FredricJ{son, wm. Radtke, Geralll HecJeer, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, C ouncilnen, None; Absent Councibnen B. J. Chesbro, A. w. Brown. .