Resolution 1924/03/03 (2) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''.i-''i'''''''~~"'''''''%>___Jhoi>>\:~",,",,~".",_;'''~'''''4tl''''''~''':'''''''' '. .0'..... ...~"'"""".T<"""~""il'..'.i;.".":(...~J>.='''''''''''''.....,.,.~"#''''''~;;;iA'*'''''-.....;."".,'<i\l";;....c,'\,;..;;,,il',.l,';"c..=....~'~..,-,,%:.:~';::.-~;" lSO r, Y".,) . 1o"'.r:<'I """'ll"" BESOLUTION APPOIBTlNG STREET SUFERINmNDENT. BE IT :RESOLVED, by the Mayor and COYJJJ1on Counoil of the City of Gilroy, in the County of Santa Clara, State of Cali fornia, as follows: That whereas, the City Marshall of the City of Gilroy, under seotion 41 of the "Charter and Munioipal Oode of the City of Gilroy" shall also perform ~ ~ L 0;(~'p, '{ OYV. the duly qualified and acting City Marshall of said City be and hereby is appoint- the duties of Street ~issioner, now therefore ed Su~erintendent of Streets, for the purpose of proseouting all work and duties required of a Superintendent of Streets under the provisions of the t'Improvement l i Aot of 1911 and ammendments thereto, and under the provisions and requirements of the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915" and amme~m.ents thereto. , , Ao1d be it fU'ther resolved that said ~~ 'Ii a.R.JIrrv City lIla.r8ha.ll shall furnish a bond,to the said City of Gilroy, in the 8tlm of Five hundred ($500.00) Dollars, to indemnify the _id City, while acting as Superin- tendent of Streets of said City of Gilroy. -..---- I hereby oertify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the Mayor and Oommon Counoil of the City of Gilroy at a reguihar meeting of said Counoil held on the ~rd day of JlIarch 1924, by the following vote: 1,~. .J. ClJeshro, c. l~. Ii'r~(lrtc'cs()n ,\. w ~rnwn, AYES: Counoilmen Gerald, Hecker, Chas. If. Schemel; NOES: Counoilmen None. ABSEl1T: Counoilmen Wm. Harl tke . ~rk ~l!!~~ ) .. /,/7$ ~~-C:e' f l't' . the City of Gilroy. "7 .-;> i7 k