Resolution 1924/03/03 (5) 153 :RESOLUTION I!'IXING Tnr' .AND I'LACJB (.I!' M...:ETING UJ?ON ADJCURNlBNT. BESOLV.8D, by the N.ayor and COnLTYlon Council of the City of Gilroy, that, when the JOUllCil a<ijourns it adjourn to meet ILonday, March 17th 1~24, at eight o'(;lo~k l.ll. at the regular meeting :place of s;:',id CCll;,ncil, to-vdt, at the City Hall in the Gity of Gilroy. I If_JII.:l3Y G:_,J,TH'Y that the foregoing resolution was dv.ly and regularly passed. and. adol.Jted by the I,~ayor and COlmnon Ccvncil of the GHy of Gilroy at a regular m, eting of said Council held on the Zrd Qay of b~rch 1924 by the following vote: !i.~ A'L/J: JOUllcilznen E. J. Chesljro, c. Gerald Hecker, Chas. W. Sc~ernel; NC::~S: Couneilmen None r~. FrArlrickson, A. 1'f. RrfJwn, . iJ..G'~XS: : JO'Li.nci lmen Wm. Had tJc:e . l1.:.yor 61' Gilroy. r~2' Jity