Resolution 1924/03/17 T " '._"."_.._ '_-'~"""""-,~"".:"".,'_"", ,o...,~._."._."."""..."_;C_""_,~,""C'>',-,,_,,,,"""~_'..~:.,, ",,~,..:"'_ "-~<-_'.~"""'-'"''';"'''"''''''~~'''=~r''''"-''''' ~~"~8"'-"'"'''''C:='''-'_''''':'':"''''''''':'''''''.".K''',",'''''-''',"'' ""-"""""_""'~~."'/o:.i'-<<""'_{;"''''-''''''_'''''''''''''-'''"''''''''''''''""",::..''''',,"~,Cl>.1;,-'."'_~-."'4l4"'~'.,'i;"","~=""u.''''',:';""J(::;~::l';Q",L(;=.~,='1..;,''",.,'~';';:;'C;'''''..'.'.:~.c-.':;,',->;;::.'~~:<,,~,,\t;'\'c,",ll'''":"",,~_~~:c',,",.,"-':'.'_'_::: The f'ollowln,g ~tesolutions were passerl amI arlopte(l, each by separate motion (luly seconderl and carrie!l, amI the Tote on each Resolution is recorded below. , ". ,~,,~'Illll l;.:I.~ R&SOLUTION A..t--PBOVHm BOIID .Q! SUPF...RINTENDENT OE' STREETS. RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Conmon Council of the City of Gilroy, that the bond of George Easton, as Superintendent of Stre.ets of the said Ci ty and submi tted thi s day to said Mayor and Connnon Counoil by said George Easton be and the same is hereby approved and accepted. The said bond is hereby ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk. ----..... I hereby oertify that the foregoing resolution 1'Il.S duly and re- ~1arly !8ssed anecadopted by the UJayor and Common Council of the Oi ty of Gilroy at a regular adjourned meeting of said Common Counoil held on the 17th day of March, 1924, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen!~. .1. Chesbro, C. T~. Frcrlr"tcksoTI , Geral(l Hecker', Chas. 'i. :~cheTne 1 ; NOES: Councilmen 'N'nnp ABSENT: Councilmen Wm. Harltke. A. w.. nr'l,rn, , : 01 ty Clerk of the" y of Gilroy. AP~VE1) , ~ ~---- -~ ~~~~~~.~"~?~ Mayor of the City of Gilr6y. .