Resolution 1924/03/17 (2) 187 :B:f:;SCLunOliI ADOPTING PLANS All]) SPECIFICATIONS. RESOLVF..D, by the Mayor and Connnon Council of the City of Gilroy, that, the plans and speoifioations for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City of Gilroy, to-wit: ThatFIRST ST~, fram the west line of Hanna Street to the west line of Monterey street; also, That SECOND STREET, from the west line of Hanna Street to the west line of Monterey Street; also, That THIRD STREET, from the west line of Hanna Street to the west line of Monterey Street; also, J I That FOURTH STRf!.2T, from the west line of Hanna Street to the west line of Monterey_.Street; also, That I!'n'TH STREET, from the west line of carmel Street to the west line of Monterey Street; also, That SIXTH STR~ET, from the west line of Hanna Street to the west line of Monterey Street; also, from the Bast line of Monterey Street to a point 65 feet east of the Easterly line of Maple Street; also, That SEVENTH STREET, from the west line of F~nna Street to the west line of Ra.i lroad Alley; also, That BCDJi'ISH MILL ROAD, from the west line of Hanna Street westerly for a distanoe of 150 feet; also, That HANNA STBEST, from the north line of First Street to a point no feet south of the south line of Seventh Stree.t; also, That ROSANNA ST~~T, from the north line of First Street to a paint 350 feet south of the south line of Seventh Street; also, That CHURCH STRf:&T, trom the north line of :B'irst Street to a point 410 feet south of the south line of Seventh Street; also, That ElGELBERRY ST:R.EET, from the north line of First Stre8t to a point 450 feet south of the south line of Seventh Street; also, That MONTEREY STREET, trom the south line of Fifth Street to the North City Limits; also, Tha t RAILROAD STRl:!:&T, from t he north line of Lewi s Street to the north line of Old Gilroy Street; also, That ALEXANDER STR?~T, from the north line of Lewis Street to the north line of Old Gilroy Street; also, That FOREST STR&',:T, from the north line of Lewis Street to the north line of Ild Gilroy Street; also, That LE".YIS S'rRE:C;T, from the east line of Monterey Street to a point 150 feet east of the easterly line of .f!'orest Stre"t; also, That the Alle,r running easterly and westerly in B.2.N.R.l.E; also, - 1 - 188 ',"~ ::< Tor.;,....."..; I ' -- ~ ~'...... ,.....~ That MARTIN STREET, from the east line of Monterey Street to the east line Of Forest Street; also, Tha t MARTIN LANE, from the east line of lLonterey Street to the east line of Forest Street; also, That OLD GILROY STREET, from the east line of Monterey Street to the Easterly City limits; also, That ~aPOT AVBNUE, from the east line of Monterey Street to the east line of Railroad Alley; also, That RA.ILROAD ALLEY, from the south line of Depot Avenue to -,the South line of Old Gilroy Street; also, I 1 e ~~ ~~~ ~Y~t \-I' \. )}; ;-., -j . 'l As said Streets, Avenues, Lanes and Roads are shown and delineated on t!a t certain map en ti tIed !lOffic ial Map of the Ci ty of Gi lroy", as surveyed for the part! tion Of the 'Ranoho Las Animas', April 1886, by Hermann Bros., and adopted by the Mayor and Conmon Council of the Ci ty of Gi lroy, as the "Official Map" of said City on May 4th, 1886, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City; and as shoVvu on the "Map of the Loupe Northern Addition to the City of Gilroy", filed in the Office of the County Recorder in book 'D' of lIlaps4&f I8ge five, on June 5th 1885; Records of Santa Clara County, California; and as snown on map of B. 2.S.R.l.W. CITY OF GILROY", filed in the offioe of the County Recorder in Licensed Book 'F' at page 49, on Maroh 31st 1896, Records of Santa Clara County, California; and as shown on "Map of the subdivision of Las Animas sublot No. 11 and Las Animas Ranohlot No. 39 in the Ranoho Las Animas and City of Gilroyft, filed in the at:flce of the County Recorder in Book "F.l." of Maps at I8ge 4, on August 12th 1896, Records of Santa Clara County, California; and as shown on Map entitled "Miller and Lux Western Addition to the City of Gilroy", filed in the Office of the County Recorder in Map Book 'P', at page 45, on October 25th 1920, Reoords of Santa Clara County, California; and as shown on'~ap of wm Hanna's Subdivision of Lots 6 and 8 of Blook 2.S.R.l.W., filed in the office of the County Recorder, in Map Book 'C' at page 67, on March 8th 1888, Records of Santa Clara County, California; and as shown on the map entitled "Map of the Gilroy Land Co's., Subdivision Tract", filed in the Office of the County Recorder in Volume 'F.2.' of Maps at Page 37 on November 16th 1905; Records of Santa Clara County, California; all be improved as follows: That the roadways of all of the portions of said streets, avenues and lanes as above described be graded to accord with their respective official grades, for the various widths and in the manner indicated by the plans and speci- fioations hereinafter referred to; That said roadways be I8ved with Warrenite-Bitulithic wear- ing surfaoe, laid on an asphaltic ooncrete base, with header boards at certain places of the various widths and thick- nesses and in the manner indioated by said plans and speoi- fications; That oorrugated metal culverts and branches be constructed at various locations on said streets, avenues, and lanes and of the size and dimensions and in the manner indioated by said plans and speoifications; .. A~ 0 ~l_. (~~ '0 That conorete curbs, ooncrete gutters and ooncrete side- walks be oonstruoted along the curb, gutter and side-walk lines, respeotively, of all of said streets, avenues and lanes as indicated by said plans and speoifications; That ooncrete oatch basins be oonstructed at various places in said streets and of various sizes and dimensions and in the matter indicated by said plans and speoifications; That vitrified iron stone storm sewer pipe, concrete catch- basins and briok manholes be constructed in said streets at various locations, of the sizes and. dimensions and in the manl1er indicated by said plans and specifications; Exoepting, however, from the above desoribed work suoh portion or portions of t~ oonorete curbs, conorete gutters, concrete sidewalks and pavement above d.e- soribed as are already oonstructed to line and official grade; and excepting also from the above described ~ork any and all portions thereof which are described more than onoe or repeated because of descriptions recrossing streets at interseotions, it being the intention to describe only one improvement at such street orossing; and excepting also, from all of the above described work such portion or portions as are required by law to be kept in order or repair by any person or Canpany h~ving railroad tracks thereon; As said plans and specifications are prepared by Chas. E. Sloan, City Engineer, and submitted by said Engineer this 17th day of March, 1924, be and the same are hereby adopted as and for the plans and specifications for doing said work, and are hereby referred to for f~ther particulars. -..----------- I hereby oertify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the Mayor and Comr~on Council of the City of Gilroy, at a regular adjourned meeting of said Council held on the 17th day of March, 1924, by the following vote: ATBS: Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, C. ~. Fre(lrickson, A: rr. Brown, Gerald Hecker, Chas. W. Schemel; NOES: Councilmen )J fl}19 ; . , ABSENT: Counci Imen Wm. Had t ke . . . G e7 1/ 2), . City Clerk of the ~, ~'UVt-~2Z~ ~ .., e City of Gilroy