Resolution 1924/03/17 (3) 190 K..SCJLUTlc:rr lfIXING CCMF':-.NSATICH O}' CITY ElmI~. ltsSOLVED, by the liayor and Common Council of' the City of Gilroy, that the compensation of the City Engineer of said City for all engineering services here- tofore rendered ana. hereafter to be rencered oy him in conneotion with and in- cidental to the work to l)e d.one and im.Drovement to b:' made in said City, as said work and. imiJrovemen t are indicated ana. described in "Hesolution Adopting I1ans and Sl!eoif'ioations", which resolution v.as passed and a<iopted by the kiliyor and Common Cowlcil of said City on the 17th day of March, 1924, and is hereby referred and made a yurt hereof, be ano saio compensation is hereby fixed at the S'liln '.hioh shall be eight (8) j;Jeroent of the oontract prioe of said v'ork and. improvement. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was ciuly and regularly passed and adopted by the ~yor ana. Common Counoil of the City of Gilroy at an adjourned regular meeting of said council held on the 17th day of ~~rch, 19~4, by the following vote. AYB3: Councilmen J~. J. Ohesbro, C. E. Fredrickson, A. W. Brown, Gerald Heaker, Chas. W. Schemel; 1.1U::';5: COv,11cilmen None; A3SSH'r: Council!ilen Wm. Radtke. '--~ ~ .' .~ X '""0 c..... ~ . "---'