Resolution 1924/03/17 (5) -'II Of! ;~ ;...~ -;.~ 1"lII':.qI ~~"""' ,,~ RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the Mayor and Common Council of the Oi ty of Gilroy to order the following work and improvement in said City of Gilroy, to-wit: That l!'IRST STREET, from the west line of Hanna Street to the west line of Monterey Street; also, Tha t SECOND STREET, from the west line of Hanna Street to the west line of Monterey Street; also, That THIRD STREET, f rom the wast line of Hanna. Street to the west line of Monterey Street; also, That FOURTH STRBT, from tm west line of Hanna Street to the west line of Monterey Street; also, That l!'IFTH ST:B.EiliT, from the west line of Carmel Street to the west line of Monterey Street; also, 'rhat SDCTH STRE..:..'I", from the west line of Hanna Street to the west line of Monterey Street; also from the east line of Monterey Street to a point 65 feet east of the easterly line of Maple Street; also, That SEVENTH STR&ET, from the west line of Hanna Street to the west line of Railroad Alley; also, That BOD.f!'ISH MILL ROAD, from the west line of Hanna Street westerly fC'ra.,.distanoe of 150 feet; also, That HA1lliA STEEBT, from the north line of First Street to a point ZlO feet south of the south line of Seventh Street; also, Tha. t ROSANNA STREET, from the north line of :i!'ir at Street to a point 350 feet south of the south line of Seventh Street;also, That CHURCH STREEiT, from the north line of l!'irst Street to a point 410 feet south of the south line of Seventh Street;also, That EIGBLBERRY STIreET, from tre north line of First Street to a point 450 feet south of the south line of Seventh Street;also, That MONTE:EIDY STREET, from the south line of Fifth Street to the North Oi ty L1mi ts; also, Tha. t RAILROAD STR&ET, from the noIth line of Lewi s Street to the north line of 016. Gilroy Street; also, That ALE1XA:HDER STREET, from the north line of Lewis Street to the north line of Old Gilroy Street; also, , That FOBEST STR2ET, from the north line of Lewis Street to the north line of Old Gilroy Street; also, That LEWIS STIreET, fran the east line of Monterey Street to a point 150 feet east of the ~sterly line of Forest Street; al so, That the Alley running easterly and westerly in B.2.N.R.l.E;also, 1 AI"- ,t~"::} .~. ~ That MARTIN STREET, from the east line of Monterey Street to the east line of Forest Street; also, That MARTIN ~~, from the east line of Monterey Street to the east line of Forest Street; also, That OLD GILROY ST~T. from the east line of Mon terey Street to the Easterly Oity l~its; also, That DEPOT AVENUE. from the east line of Monterey Street to the east line of Railroad Alley; also, That RAILROAD .ALLEY, trom the south line of Depot Avenue to the South line of Old Gilroy Street; also, J . . S' 11 ~~~f ~~~_l.\1ne\Of~tC/~,\1' As said Streets, Avenues, Lanes and Roads are shown and delineated on that certain map entitled "Official Map of the City of Gilroy", as surveyed for t the partition of the 'Rancho Las Animas', April 1886, by Hermann :Bros., and adopted by the :Mayor and Conmon Oouncil of the Oity of Gilroy, as the "Official :Map" of said City on May 4th, 1886, and now on file in the office of the City Olerk of said Oi ty; and as shown on the l'Mil.p of the Loupe Northern Addition to the Oity of Gilroy", filed in the office of the Oounty ~corder in book 'D' of :Maps"~ page five, On June 5th 1885, Records of S$nta Olara Oounty, Oalifornia; and as shown on map of B.2.S.R.1.W. OITY OF GILROY", filed in the office of the County Reoorder in Licensed Book 'F' at );age 49, on Maroh 31st 1896, Reoords of Santa Olara County, Ce.11 fornia; and as shown on "Map of the subdivision of Las Animas sub10t No. 11 and Las Animas Ranchlot No.39 in the Ranoho Las Animas and City of Gilroy", filed in the office of the Oounty Recorder in Book "F.l." of Maps at page 4, on August 12th 1896, Reoords of Santa Clara Oounty, California; and as shown on Map entitled "Miller and Lux Western Addition to the Oity of Gilroy", filed in the offioe of the County Reoorder in Map Book 'P', at page 45 on October 25th 1920, Records of Santa Olara Oounty, California; and as shown on I'.Map of Wm Ha.m1a's Subdivision of Lots 6 and 8 of Block 2.S.R.l.W., filed in the offioe of the County Recorder, in Map Book' C' at page 67, on March 8th 1888, Records of Santa Clara County, California; and as shown on the map entitled ttMap of the Gilroy Land Co's., Subdivision Tract", filed in the office of the County Recorder in Volume 'l!'.2.' of Maps U Page 37 on November 16th 1905; Records of Santa Clara County, Oalifornia; all be improved as follows: That the roadways of all of the portions of said streets, avenues and lanes as above desoribed be graded to accord with their respeotive official grades, for the various widths and in the manner indicated by the plans and s:peci-. fications hereinafter referred to; That said roadways be paved with Warrenite-Bitulithio wear- ing surfaoe, laid on an asphaltic conorete base. with header boards at oertain places of tl~ various widths and thickness- es and in the manner indicated by said plans and speoifi- oations; That oorrugated metal culverts and branohes be 0 CJ'lstructed at various locations on said streets, avenues and lanes and of the size and dillensions and in the manner indicated by said plans and specifications; 196 ,i,~ ::.< .l",~ U ..~. \"...... ""- That oonorete ourbs, concrete gutters, and conorete side- walks be constructed along the ourb, gutter and sidewalk, lines, respeoitvely, of all of said streets, avenues and lanes as indioated by said plans and specifications; That oonorete oatoh-basins be oonstruoted at various plaoes in said streets and of various sizes and dimensions and in the 1III.IlIler indioated by said plans and speoifioations; That vitrified irpn stone storm sewer pipe, oonorete oatoh- basins and briok nanholes be oonstruoted in said streets at various locations, of the sizes and. dimensions and in the manner indioated by said plans and speoifioations. Exoepting, however, from the above described work such pOlll'tion or portions of the conorete ourbs, ooncrete gutters, concrete sidewalks and pavement above de- soribed as are already oonstructed to line and offioial grade; and exoepting also from the above desoribed work sny and all portions thereof whioh are desoribed more than once or repeated beoause of desoriptions reorossing streets at inter- seotions, it being the intention to desoribe only one improvement at suoh street orossing; and, excepting also, from all of the above desoribed work such portion or portions as are required by law to be kept in order or repair by arr:f person or Company having railroad traoks thereon; . 197 All the aforesaid v.ork and improvement is to 1:8 done in accordance with plans am specifications made therefor by Chas. :8. Sloan. City Engineer of' said City of Gilroy and adopted as the plans and specif.ioations for said work and improvement by 'Resolution Adopting Plans and Specifications'. passed and adopted by said Mayor and Camnon Council on the 17th day of March, 1924, which plans and specifioa tions are now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City of Gilroy, and are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. ATTENTION is called to WARRENITJ<':-BITULITHIC License )fixture .Agreement. of Warren Brothers Company, of Boston Mass., of date of March 17th 1924. and on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy. AND WHEREAS. said contemplated work and improvement, in the opinion of the Mayor and Common Counc il . is 0 f more than local or ordinary public benefi t. said Mayor and COtmnon Counc 11 here by make s tbe expense of said work and improvement chargable upon a district. whiCh district said Mayor and Cammon Council declares to be the district benef'i ted by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the oosts and expenses thereof. which said district here... after to be known as IMPROVEMISNT DISTRICT NUMBER ONE, is bO'lmded and described as follows: All that certain portion of the City of Gilroy situate, lying and being within the co~porate limits of said City of Gilroy and also within the territory bounded by a line described as followsl Commencing at a point in the center of Monterey Street. situated South twelve dagrees, East. fitty-seven chains from tbe center of B&id street. where the South boundary line of Fourth Street intersects said Monterey Street; thence running westerly. at right angles with said Monterey Street. forty chains; thence northly. at right angles. and parallel with said Monterey Street. one h'lmdred twenty-one chains; thence. easterly and at right angles with said last mention- . ed line. eighty chains; thence. southerly and parallel with said MOnterey Street, 198 '~ ~.... "..,p.,.- "-"""~~ V ,. \,.,.,.......- ~ one hlmdred twenty-one chains; and thence at right angles westerly, forty chains to the place of beginning; and, WFRREAS, the following described blocks, lots, portions of lots and parcels of land belong either to Santa Clara County, the City of Gilroy or to School Boards, and are each in use in the performance of a public function and are all included within the district hereinabove Qeclared by said Kayor and Common COlmcil to be the district to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses of said proposed work and imprOT8lD9nt: NOW THERSFOR8, said Mayor and Conmon Council hereby declares that said blocks, lots, portions of lots and parcels of land shall be omitted from the assessment hereafter to be made to cover the costs and expenses of said work and improvement, such blocks, lots, portions of lots and parcels of land, to be omi tted being described as tollows: All that certain land used as the site for the City Hall of said City, commencing at the Northeast corner of :Monterey and Sixth Streets, and running thence along the East line of Monterey Street, Northerly 42.10 feet, thence Easterly S8.50 feet, thence Southerly 4.38 feet, thence Easterly 104.95 feet, to the west line of an Alley; thence Southerly along the said alley 36.76 feet, to the north line of Sixth Street; thence, along the last mentioned line Westerly 193.00 feet to the point of camnenc8.>nent, being Lot Eleven in Block One North, of :Bange One East, a.s designated upon liap lfumber six accompanying the report of the Referees in re the partition suit of Henry :Miller et al vs Massey Thomas et al, also, That certain land used as the site far the Public Library of said City, commencing at the northeast corner of Church and Fifth Streets and rtmning thence along the East line of Church Street Northerly SO.OO feet; thence Easterly and parallel \',i th the North line of Fifth Street 75.00 feet; thence Southerly and parallel wi th the East line of yhurch Street 80.00 feet; to the North line of Fifth Street; thence westerly and along the north line of Fifth Street 75.00 feet, to the point of beginning, being a part of Lot Number 11, Block 2 North, Range 2 West, as shown and delineated U"9on Map No.5 aocompanying the report of I I I I 10,') It,. "" j Ihe Referees in the partition suit last above mentioned: also, That certain land used as the site of the Fire House of said City, oommencing at a point in the North line of Fifth Street distant 140.00 feet, Westerly from the Northwest corner of Fifth and Monterey Streets; and running theme along said North line of Fifth Street, Westerly 6~.00 feet; thence Northerly 67.50 feet; thence Easterly 64.50 feet, and thence Southerly 67.00 feet, to the point of beginning, and being Lot 15, in Block 2, North, Bange 1 West, as designated on the map last above mentioned: also, That certain land used as site for the water works pump of said City of Gilroy, commencing at a point in the Westerly line of MOnterey Street, distant thereon 149.30 feet, Southerly from the point of intersection of the Southerly line of Third street with the Vtesterly line of Monterey Street; and rurming thence Southerly alo%lg the Westerly line of Monterey Street 70.20 feet; thence westerly 204.93 feet, thence northerly 70.10 feet; thence Easterly 206.75 feet to the place of beginning, and being the ncr therly part of Lot No. 4 in Block 3, North, Range 1, West of the City of Gilroy; also, That certain parcel of land beginning at a point on the Southerly line of f.hird Street distant thereon 143.00 feet Easterly fram the point of inter- section of the Southerly line of Third Street with the Easterly line of Eigelberr,y Street; and running thence South twenty degrees East, 22.50 feet more or less to the Southerly line of Lot No. 10 in Block 3 North, Range 1 West of the City of Gilroy; thence at right angles Easterly 7.00 feet; thence North, twenty dagrees West 22.50 feet to the Southerly line of Third Street; and thence Westerly 7.00 feet to the place of beginning; also, That certain parcel of land used as the site of the Septic Tank of said City of Gilroy, beginning at the Northeast corner of Old Gilroy Street and F.a.st Street, and running thence along the North line of Old Gilroy Street, South eighty- nine degrees, fifty-four minutes East, 250.27 feet; thence North thirty one de- grees fifteen minutes W'st Z84.00 feet; thence North twenty degrees West; 196.60 feet; thence South, seventy degrees West 92.30 feet; thence South twenty degrees East, 39&.55 feet; thence South, Seventy degrees West, 68.40 feet to the East 200 ".:. X - ""'. "0: ........, ~ line of East Street; thence South, twenty degrees East, 95.00 feet to the point of beginning: also; beginning at the SouthWest corner of Las Animas Ranch Lot No. 19A.; thence North, fifty-~even degrees fifty five minutes East, along the Southerly bO'Ulldary line of said lot 88.34 feet; thence North twenty degrees west, 294.10 feet to a point Which bears South twenty degrees East 66.00 feet from the Southeast corner of Las Animas Ranch Lot No. 18; thence South seventy ,degrees West 109.65 feet to the West bO'Ulldary line of Las Animas Ranch Lot No. 19A; thence Southerly along said West boundary line South, twenty degrees East 262.30 feet; and South thirty one degrees fifteen minutes East 118.26 feet to the point of beginning: also, That certain parcel of land used as the si1te of a park in said Oi ty of Gilroy ,beginning at the COllmon corner of Sublots 8 and 9 of the Las Animas Rancho, in the North line of Martin Lane, thence North three degrees thirty two minutes West, 322.70 feet; thence North ninteen degrees twenty minutes West, 418.70 feet; thence North forty degrees forty minutes West, l515i."50 ft., thence North, twenty nine degrees forty minutes West, 354.42 feet to corner of sublots 8 and 9 in the South line of Sublot 6; thence North fifty-eight degrees thirty-seven minutes East, 366.60 feet; thence South twenty-six degrees twenty minutes East, 434.40 feet; thence North, sixty-three degrees thirty-nine minutes East 299.65 feet; thence South, twenty-six degrees eighteen minutes kst, 65.82 feet; thence South sixty degrees twenty-eight minutes west 538.33 feet; thence South twenty-two degrees thirty-two minutes East 711.50 feet; thence South sixty degrees twenty- eight minutes, West 240.06 feet to the place of beginning: also, That certain parcel of land used as the site of a pump station and park, in said Oi ty of Gilroy, beginning at the point of intersection of the southerly line of Martin Lane with the Easterly line of Monterey Street,and running thence Southerly along the Easterly line of Monterey Street 100.00 feet; thence Easterly 169.00 feet to the westerly line of the lands of the Southern Paci fie Railroad Oompany; thence Northerly along the said last mentioned lands 127.46 feet to the southerly line of Martin Lane; thence Westerly along Martin Lane 171.34 feet to , the place of beginning; also, ~t certain Lot of land used as the site of the Gas Works in said Oity of Gilroy beginning at the intersection of the Southerly line of Sixth Street 201 wi th the We sterly 1 ine of Railroad Alley, in said City of Gilroy, and running thence Southerly along the Westerly line of Railroad Alley 90.70 feet; thence Westerly 50.00 feet; thence Northerly 69.40 feet to the southerly line of Sixth Street; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Sixth Street 46.90 feet to the point of beginning; also, Beginning at a :Joint in the Southerly line of Sixth Street distant 46.90 feet Westerly from the point of intersection of the Southerly line of Sixth Street with the Westerly line of :Railroad Alley; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of Sixth Street, 24.10 feet; thence Southerly 66.07 feet; thence Easterly 23.00 teet; thence, Northerly 86.07 teet to the point of beginning; also, That certain parcel of land used as the site of the Gilroy Sohool in said Oity beginning at the intersection of the Southerly line of Second Street with the Westerly line of Ha.n:ca Street, in said Oity of Gilroy, and running thence Southerly along the Westerly line of Hanna Street to the :Northerly line of Third Street; thence, Westerly along said last mentioned line to the Easterly line of .Carmel Street; thence Northerly along the said Easterly line of Carmel Street to the Southerly line of Second Street; thence, Easterly along the Southerly line Of Second Street to the plaoe of beginning; also that certain parcel of land used as the site of the Gilroy Grarmner School, in said City, beginning at the interseotion of the Southerly line of Third Street with the Westerly line of Church Street, in said Oity of Gilroy, and running thence Southerly along the westerly line of Church Street 339.20 feet; thence, Wester- ly 300.00 feet to the Easterly line of Rosa.tma. Stre'3t; thence, :Northerly along the Boasterly line of Rosanna Street 335.00 feet; thence, ksterly along the Southerly line of Third Street 300.00 feet to the place of beginning; also, That oertain parcel Of land to be used as the site of the Gilroy Primary School in said ei ty of Gilroy, beginning at the interseotion of the Southerly line of Seventh Street with the Westerly line of Maple Street, in said City of Gilroy; thence, Southerly along the Westerly line of Maple Street 327.78 feet, to the :Northerly line of Old Gilroy Street; thence, :Nortn.esterly 202 " .~ - .... f~"".,; -- \..,i ~ _...~ "'-"'I along the Northerly line of Old Gilro,y Street 319.10 feet to the Easterly line of Ohestnut Street; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Chestnut Street to the Southerly line of Seventh street; thence, :Easterly along the Southerly line of Seventh Street 293.00 feet to the place of beginning: also, That certain parcel of land used as the site of the Gilroy High School, be ginning at the intersect ion of the NOrthe rly line of Jla.rtin Lane wi th the center line of Forest Street in the City of Gilro,y; thence runniDg North, twenty-six degrees eieP-teen minutes West 773.15 feet; thence, South sixty de- grees twenty-eight minutes West, 5~.33 feet; theme, South, twenty-two degrees thirty-two minutes East 711.50 feet to the Northerly line of lIfartin Lane; thence along Martin Lane, North, sixty degrees twenty-eignt minutes East 585.14 feet to the place of beginning; also, That certain parcel of land belonging to the County of Santa Olara, State of California, beginning at the interseotion of the Easterly line of Alex- a.nder Street \vi th the Southerly 1 ine of Eighth Street, in the City of Gilroy; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of Alexander Street 200.00 feet; thence, easterly 142.00 feet; thence, Northerly 200.00 feet to the Southerly line of Eighth Street; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of Eignth Street 142.00 feet to the place of beginning.,. ycJ,' /'v It). ~/J ), .'\11 *- l/\ ( . --.' "- .... 30.00 f~eL to~ Said )layor and Co:amon COl.Uleil hereby further declares that all public Streets, A.venues,lanes, alleys, courts, roads and places, and all public ways, contained within the above described die trict, the same being in use in the per- forma.nce of a public function, shall also be ani tted from the assessment here- after to be made to cover the oosts and e:x;penses of said work and improvement. , Notioe is hereby given that serial bonds to represent ~id assessments and bea.r interest at the rate of seven percent, per annum will be issued here- under, in the manner provided by the Improvement Bond Aot of 1915, and ammendments 203 ii thereto, the last installment of which bonds shall mature nine (9) years from the 2nd day of July next suooeeding ten (10) months from their date. Exoept as hereinabove otoorwise provided for the issuance of said seriaJ. bonds, all of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuanoe of an Aot of too Legislature of the State of California designated the tJImprovement Aot of 1911" approved April 7th 1911, and amendments thereto. Notioe is hereby given tlBt on Wednesday, the 2nd day of April, 1924, at Eight o'olook P.M., at the ragular meeting plaoe of said Mayor and Common Council, to-wit, in the City Hall in said City,any and all persons baving any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear before the Conmon Counoil and show oause why said proposed improve.llBnt should not be oarried out in acoordance with this resolution. Not later than the hour set for hearing pt"otests, any owner of property liable to be assessed for said work may make written protest against the pro- posed work or against the extent of the district to be assessed, or both, suoh protest must be in writing and be delivered to the said Clerk of the Common Counoil and no other protests or objeotions shall be oonaidered. The Clerk of the City of Gilroy shall oause this l'esolut ion to be pub- lished twioe in the ttGilroy Advocate" a weekly newspaper printed, published and oirculated in said City of Gilroy, and hereby designated for that purpose by said Mayor and Common Counoil of the said Oi ty of Gilroy. The Superintendent of Streets of said City of Gilroy shall oause to be oonspiouously posted along the lines of said contemplated work or improve- ment and along the lines of all open streets, avenues, lanes alleys and roads . 204 .~ ::~,~ ~~'~:"""l! .....; " \"'~l --.I -"", within said district above desoribed, notioes of the passage of this Resolution of Intention in the manner and form required by law. - - - - - ~ - - - I hereby oertify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed a.nd. adopted by the Mayor and OOllmon Counoil of the City of Gilroy a.t a regular adjourned meeting of said Mayor and COnDon Counoil held on the 17th day of Maroh 1924, by the following vote: AYES: Counoilmen g. J. Chesbro, C. t~. Freclrickson,;..L W. Brown, Gerald Hecker, Chas. W. Schemel; NOES: Oounoilmen None; . , ABSENT: Counoilmen Wm. Ha.(ltJ{e. Olerk of the City 0 lm~ /=~ (/' .--J -j/' ".7 ./~- G<./r_",--i.A..'f- .. ' the City of Gilroy. .