Resolution 1924/04/05 (2) ~ ~ RESOLUTION ORDERING THE \1KJRK. \V.H&...'fr1b.S, the Mayor and Common Council of the Oi ty of Gilroy did on the 17th day of Maroh 1924 pass its Resolution of Intention to order the here- indesoribed work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, which Resolution of Intention was duly and legally published as required by law, as appears from the affidavit of W.F.Blake, now o~ file in the office of the City Clerk of said City; and \VHBREAS, the said notioes of the passage of the said RESOLUTION of Inte~tion, head6d "Notice of Improvement," were duly and legally posted along tile respeotive lines of $.id contemplated -work and improvement, and also on and along all the open streets and alleys within the district desoribed in said Resolution of Intention and to be assessed for said work and improvement, in form and manner as required by law, after the passage of said Resolution of Intention, as appears by the affidavit of George Easton, Superintendent of Streets of said City of Gilroy, who personally posted the ~e, and who after the oompletion of the posting of said notioe filed his said affidavit in the office of the City Clerk of said City, making oath that he completed the posting of said notices on the 22nd day of ~~rch 1924; and V~REAS, all protests or objections presented have been dispenseQ of in the time, form and manner as required by law, and saiu Mayor and Corr.mon COWlcil has now acquired jurisdiction to order the proposed v.ork and improvement,- IT IS HEillESY ~~SOLVBD by said Mayor and Common Council that the public interest and convenience required the work herein described, and said ~yor and Common Council does hereby order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said. Oi ty, towit: . - 1 - ( r ~ That 1<~IR<ST STREET, from the I Land Co's., Subdivision Tract," filed twenty-one chains; thence, easterly west line of Hanna Street to the I in the office of the County Hecorder and at right angles with said last west line or Montere)t Street; also, in Volume 'F.2,' of Maps at Page 37 mentioned line, eighty chains; thence, That SECOND STREET from the on November 16th, 1905; Records of southerly and parallel with said west line of Hanna Street to the west Santa Clara County, California; all Monterey Street, one hundred twenty- line of Monterey Street; also, be improved as follows: one chains; and thence at right That THIRD STREET from the That the roadways of all of the angles westerly, forty chains to the west line of Hanna Street to the west portions of said streets, avenues and place of beginning; and, line of Monterey Street. also lanes as above described be graded WHEREAS, the following described " to accord with their respective official blocks, lots, portions of lots and Tha~ FOURTH STREET, from the grades for the various widths and in parcelS 01' land belong either to \~est l~ne of Hanna Street to the west the m~nner indicated by the plans Santa Clara County, the City of Gilroy hne of lVIonterey .Street; also, and specifications hereinafter r'"1'crro(1 or to School Boards, and are each in That FIFTH STREET, from the to' use in the performance of a public west l.ine of Carmel Street to the, That said roadways be paved witli function and are all included within west 1111e of Monterey Street; also, Warrenite-Bitulithic wearing ,all'lace, the district hereinabove declared by That SIXTH STREET from the laid on an asphaltic (;Dncrete [nlse, said M;ayor and Common Council to \ west line of Hanna <Street to the west with header boards at certain places be the district to be assessed to pay line of Monterey Street; also from of the various widths and thicknesses the costs and expense;; of said pro- the east line of Monterey Street to a and in the manner indicated by said posed work and improvement: point 65 feet east of the easterly line plans and specitlcations; NO\V THEREFORE, said Mayor of Maple Street; also, h' That corrugated metal culverts and and Common Council ilereby declares That. SEVl':NTH STREET, from t e branches be constructed at various that said blocks, lot.s, pilrtions of lot.s west l~ne of Ha.nna Street to the locations on said streets, avenues and and parcelS of land ';haH b', oiJ1ittcd w~st 1111e of Railroad Alley; also, ,anes and of the size and dimensions trom th e assessment hereafter to be rhat B?DFI~H MILL ROAD, from and in the manner indicated by said made to cover the costs ,Hid expenses the west h!le of Ha?-na Street wester- plans 3Ull speciJications, 1 of said work and iml1l'ovmnem, suc~h Iy for a distance of 150 feet; also, - b,ocks, lots, portions of lots and That HANNA STREET, from the That concrete curb~, concrete parcelS ot land, to be omitted being north line of First Street to a point gutters, and concrete ;;Idewalks be described as follows: :no feet south of the south line of constructed along the curb, gutter I Seventh Street. also and sidewalk lines. respectiyely, of All that certaIn land usecl a, the I That ROSANNA 'STREET from all of said streets, avenue;; and lanes site for the City Hall of 'laid City, . ndlc at ~ c] by Qalll plans and speclfi commencing at the Northeast co~ uer I the north line of First Stre~t to a as i . ~ e ., . .~ . . - point 350 feet south of the south line cations; of Monterey and Sixth SL'f~ets, anl of Seventh Street: also, That concrete catch-basins be con- running thence along the East line That CHURCH STREET, from the structed at various places in said oj' Monterey Street, North"ll'ly 42.10 north line of First Street to a point streets and of various sIzes and ieet, thence Easterly 88.50 feet, thence 410 feet south of the south line of dimensions and in the manner indi- Southerly 4.38 feet, thence Easterly Seventh ,Street; also, cated by said plans and speciHcations; 104.95 feet, to the \Vest line cf an That EIGELBERRY STREET, from That vitrified iron stone storm Alley; thence Southerly along the the north line of First Street to a .;b\ver pipe, concrete catch-!Jasins and said alley 36.76 feet, to the north line point 450 feet south of the south line brick manholes be constructed in of Sixth Street: thence, a!ong ,'\]e of Seventh Street; also, said streets at various locations, of last mention€d line \Vesterly 193.00 That MONTEREY STREET, from the sizes and dimensions and in the feet to the point of commencement. the south line of Fifth Street to the manner indicated by said plans and being Lot Eleyen in Block On8 Korth, North City Limits; also. speciHcations. of Range One :Elast. as designated. That RAILROAD STREET, from Excepting, however, from the above upon Map Number six accompanying the north line of Lewis Street to thb described work snch portion or por- the report of the Referees in re the north line of Old Gilroy Street; also. tions of the concrete curbs, concrete partition suit ot Henry Miller et. a!. That ALEXANDER STREET, from gutters, concrete sidewalks and pave- vs. Massey Thomas et. aI., also, the north line of Lewis Street to the ment above described as are already That celtain land used as the site north line of Old Gilroy Street; also. ~onstructFd to line and official gn,ae; I'or the Public Library of said City, That FOREST STREET, from the and excepting also from the above commencing at the northeast corner north line of Lewis Street to the described work any and all portions of Church and I<~ifth Street" and run' north line of Old Gilroy Street; also, thereof which are deseribed morn ILng thence along the F;'lst line 0 That LEWIS STREET, from the than onee or repeated because of Church Street Northerly ~O.OO feet' east line of Monterey Street to a descriptions recrossing streets at thence Easterly and parallel with th point 1[.0 feet east of the easterly intersections, it being the intention to North line of Fifth Strest 75.00 feet line of Forest <Street: also, describe only one improvement at thenee Southerly and parallel wit That the Alley running easterly and slreh street crossing; and, excepting the East line of Church Street 80,( westerly in B.2.N.R.1.E: also, \ also, from all of the above described feet; to the North line of Fifl That MARTIN STREET, from the work sueh portion or portions as are Street; thence westerly and alol east line of Monterey Street to the required by law to be kept in order the north line of Fifth Street 75. east line of Forest Street; also, I or repair by any person or Company ;eet, to the point of beginning, beil That MARTIN LANE, from the having railroad tracks thereon; a part of Lot Number 11, Block east line of Monterey Street to the All the aforesaid work and improve- NOl'th, Range 2 \Vest, as shown a east line of Forest Street; also, ment is to be done in aceordance delineated upon Map No.5 accompm That OLD GILROY STREET, I'rom with peans and specifications made ing the report of the Referees in t the east line of Monterey Street to I therefor by Chas. E. Sloan, City partition suit last above mentione\ the Easterly City limits; also, Engineer 01' said City of Gilroy and also, That DEPOT AVENUE, from the I adopted as t.he pla.ns and specifica- That certain land used as the f east line of Monterey StreH to the' lions I'or said work and improvement of thel<'ire House of said City, (' east line of Railroad Alley; also, by 'Resolution Adopting Plans and mcncing at a point in the North That RAILROAD ALLEY, from the Specifications,' passed and adopted of Fifth Street distant 140.00 south line of Depot Avenue to the by said Mayor and Common Council \Vesterly from the Northwest C<", South line of Old Gilroy Street: on the 17th day of March, 1924, of Fifth and Monterey Streets; a As said Streets. Avenues, Lanes and which plans and specifications are running thence along said North Ii Roads are shown and delineated on now on file in the office of the City of Fifth8treet, \Vesterly 64.00 fee that eertain map entitled "Official Clerk of said City of Gilroy, and are thence Northerly 67.50 feet; then( :\lap of the City of Gilroy," as sur- hereby referred to and made a part Easterly (;4.50 feet. and thence Sout! \'eyed for the partition of the 'Rancho hereof. er1y 67.00 feet, to the point of begir. Las Animas,' April, 1886, by Hermann ATTENTION is called to W AR- ning, and being Lot 15, in Block 2 Bros., and adopted by the Mayor and RENITE-BITULITHIC License Mix- North, Range 1 West, as designated Common Council of the City of GiI- ture Agreement. of \Vanen Brothers on the map last above mentioned: roy, as the "Official Map" of said City Company. of Boston, Mass., of date of also, on May 4th, 1886, and now on file in I March 17th, 1924, and on file in the That certain land used as site for the offtce of the City Clerk 01' said \' office of the City Clerk of the City the water works pump of said City City; and as shown on the "Map of of Gilroy. of Gilroy, commencing at a point in the Loupe Northern Addition to the AND \VHI<JREAS, said contemplated the Westerly line of Monterey Street. City of Gilroy," filed in the olfice o{ work and improvement, in the opin- distant thereon 149.30 feet, Sout.herly the County Recorder in book 'D' or ion of the Mayor and Common Coun- from the point of intersection of the Maps at page five, on June ;,th, 1885, cil, is of more than local or ordinary \ Southerly line of Third Street with Hecorcls or Santa Clara County, Cali- publiC benefit. said Mayor and Com- the \Vesterly line of Monterey Street; 1'01'nia: and as shown on map of. mon Council hereby makes the ex- and running thence Southerly along H.2.S.R.1.\V. CITY OF GILROY," filed pense of said work and improvement I the Westerly line of M:onterey Street in the office of the County Recorder chargeable upon a district, which dis- 70.20 feet; thence westerly 204.93 feet, in Licensed Book 'F' at page 49, on trid said Mayor and Common Council thence northerly 70.10 feet; thence March 31st, 1896, Records of Santa declares to be the district benefited Easterly 206.75 feet to the place of Clara County, California: and as by said work and improvement and beginning, and being the northerly shown on "Map of the subdivision of to be assessed to pay the costs and \ Dart of Lot No. 4 in Block 3, North, Las Animas sublot No. 11 and Las'x~pens, e,',s thereof. which said district Range 1, \Vest of the City of Gilroy: Animas Ranchlot No. 39 in the Rancho hereafter to he known as IMPROVE- also, Las Animas and City of Gilroy," filed YIENT DISTRICT NUMBER ONE, is That certain parcel of land bp-gin- in the office of the County Recorder hounded and described as follows: !ning at a point on the Southerly line in Book "F.1," of Maps at page 4, All t.hat certain portion of the City, of Third Street distant thereon 143.00 on August 12th. 1896, Records of of Gilroy situate. lying and being I :'eet Easterly from the point of inter- Santa Clara County, . Californ.ia; and lV.it,hin the. corporate limits. o~ said I section o.f the Southerly I~ne of T~ird as shown on Map entitled "Miller and ~,ltY of GIlroy and, also wlthm the \ Street With the Easterly Ime of Elgel Lux -~;estern Addition to the City of \ territory bounded by a line described berry StreEt; and running thenc, Gilroy," !lIed in the office of the as follows: . South twenty degrees East, 22.50 fef County Recorder in Map Book 'P,' at \ Commendng at a point in the cen- more or less to the Southerly line ( ]lage 45 on October 25th, 1920'1 tel' of Monterey Street, situated Lot No. 10 in Block 3, North, Ran~ Reeords of Santa Clara County. Cali-! South twelve degrees. East, fifty- 1 \Vest of the City of Gilroy; then. fm'nia' and as shown on "Map of seven chains from the center of said at right angles Easterly 7.00 fee \Vm. Hanna's ,Subdivision of Lots 6\ stref't. wherf' the South boundary line thence North, twenty degrees We and 8 of Block 2.S.R.1.W.. filed in the of I<'oul-th Street intersects said Mon- 22.50 feet to the Southerly line office of tbe County Recorder. in \ terey Street: thence running wester- \ Third Street; and thence Weste :Ylnp Book 'C' at page 67, on March 1,Y. a,t, right angles with said Monterey' 7.00 feet to the place of beginniJ ~th. li;SS. Recol'fls of Santa Clara Strf'et. forty chains: thence northerly, also, f'01ll1ty. California: and as shown Oil I at right angles, and parallel wit.h i That certain parcel of land usee the map entitled "J\1.ap of the Gilroy, said Monterey Street, one hundred: the site of tire Septic Tank of f '<;'''::~~ ;~. JL ~_') ~ City of Gilroy, beginning at the Second Street; thence, Easterly along Northeast corner of Old Gilroy Street the Southerly line of Second Street and East Street, and running thence to the place of beginning; also that along the North line of Old Gilroy certain parcel of land used as the site 2treet, South eighty-nine degrees, of the Gilroy Grammar School, in fifty-foul' minutes East, 250.27 feet; said City, beginning at the inter- thence i'<orth thiry-one degrees, section of the Southerly line of Third fifeen minutes West 384.00 feet; Street with the Westerly line of thence North twenty degrees West; Church Street, in said City of Gilroy, 196.60 feet; thence South, seventy and running thence Southerly along degrees West 92.30 feet; thence South, the Westerly line of Church Street twenty degrees East, 394.55 feet; I 339.20 feet; thence, Westerly 300.00 thence South, Seventy degrees West, I feet to the Easterly line of Rosanna 68.40 feet to the East line of East Street; thence, Northerly along the Street; thence South, twenty degrees I Easterly line of Rosanna <Street East, 95.00 feet to the point of begin- 335.00 feet; thence, Easterly along the ning; also, beginning at the South- I Southerly line of Third Street 300.00 west corner of Las Animas Ranch i feet to the place of beginning; also, Lot No. 19A; thence North, fiftY-j That certain parcel of land to be seven degrees fifty-five minutes. East: " used as the site of the Gilroy Primary along the Southerly boundary hne of School in said City of Gilroy begin- said lot 88,34 feet; thence North I ning at the intersection of the' South- twenty degrees west, 294.10 feet to! erly line of Seventh Street with t.he a point which bears South twenty i Westerly line of Maple Street, in said degrees East 66.00 feet from the I City of Gilroy; thence, Southerly Southeast corner of Las Animas I along the Westerly line of Maple Ranch Lot No. 18; thence South Street 327.78 feet, to the Northerly seventy degrees \Vest 109.65 feet t.o, line of Old Gilroy Street. thence the \Vest boundary line of Las Animas: Northwesterly along the 'Northerl; Ranch L.ot N,o. 19A; thence. Southerly I line of Old Gilroy Street 319.10 feet along said \\ est boundary Illle South, to the Easterly line of Chestnut twenty degrees East 262.30 feet; and Street; thence Northerly along the 'South thirty-one degrees fifteen Easterly line of Chestnut Street to minutes East 118.26 feet to the point I the Southerly line of Seventh Street: of beginning; also, I thence, Easterly along the Southerly That certain parcel of land used as line of Seventh. Stl:eet 293.00 feet to the site of a park in said City of Gil- I the place of beglllmng; also, roy, beginning at the common corner That certain parcel of land used as of Sublots 8 and 9 of the Las Animas the site of the Gilroy High School, Rancho, in the North line of lVlhrtin beginning at the intersection of the Lane, thence North three degree;; Northerly line of Martin Lane with thirty-two minutes \Vest, 322.70 feet; the center line of Forest Street in the thence North nineteen degrees twenty' City of Gilroy; thence running North, minutes 'West, 418.70 feet; thence' twenty-six degrees eighteen minutes North forty degrees forty minut,os, \Vest 773.15 feet; thence, $outh West, 155.50 feet, t.hence North,: lixty degrees twenty-eight minutes twenty-nine degrees forty minutes I West. 538.33 feet; thence, South, West, 854.42 feet to corner of sublots, twenty-two degrees thirty-two minutE's 8 and 9 in the South line of Sublot i East 711.50 feet to the Nortr.erly 6; thence North fifty-eight degrees line of Martin Lane; thence along thirty-seven minutes East, 366.60 feet; Martin Lane, North, sixty degrees thence South twentysix- degrees twenty-eight minutes East 585.14 feet twenty minutes East, 434.40 feet; to the place of beginning; also. thence North, sixty-three degrees That certain parcel of land belong- thirty-nine minutes East 299.65 feet; ing to the County of Santa Clara. t~ence Sou~h, twenty-six degrees I State of California, beginning at the eIghteen nllnutes East, 65.82 feet; intersection of the Easterly line of thence South sixty degrees twenty- Alexander Street with the Southerly eight minutes west 538.83 feet; thence line of Eighth Street, in the City of South twenty-two degrees thirty-two Gilroy; thence Sout.herly along the minutes East 711.50 feet; thence Easterly line of Alexander Street I South sixty degrees twenty-eight 1200.00 feet; thence, Easterly 142.00 minutes. \Vest 240.06 feet to the place' feet; thence, Northerly 200.00 feet of beginning; also, I to the Southerly line of Eighth That certain parcel of land used as J Street; the~ce W~sterly along the the site of a pump station and ~outherly lIne of EIght~ S~reet 142.00 park, in said City of Gilroy, beginning feet to the place of beglllmng. at the point of intersection of the Said Mayor and Common Council southerly line of Martin Lane with hereby further declares that all public the Easterly line of Monterey Street Street, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, and running thence Southerly along Roads and Places, and all public the Easterly line of Monterey Street ways, contained within the above 100.00 feet; thence Easterly 169.00 described district, the same being in feet to the westerly line of the lands use in the performance of a public of the SouUlern Pacific Railroad function, shall also be omitted from Company; thence Northerly along the the assessment hereafter to be made said last mentioned lands 127.48 feet to cover the costs and expenses of to the Southerly line of Martin Lane; said work and improvement. 'hence 'Westerly along Martin Lane Notice is hereby given that serial 171.34 feet to the place of beginning; bonds to represent unpaid assess- also, ments and bear interest at the rate That certain Lot of land used as of seven per cent, per annum will be , the site of the Gas \Vorks in said i~sued hereunder, in the manner pro- I City of Gilroy beginning at the inter- vlded by the Improvement Bond Act section of the Southerly line of Sixth of 1915, and amendme~ts thereto, the Street with the Westerly line of last insta~lment of WhICh bonds shall , Railroad Alley, in said City of Gilroy, mature nllle (9) years f~om the 2nd I and running thence 'Southerly along day of July next. succeedmg ten (10) I the Westerly line of Railroad AIle months from theIr date. 1"0.70 feet; thence Westerly 50.0~ E~cept as herei~above otherwi~e feet; thence Northerly 89.40 feet to pro.vlded for the Issuance ?f saId i the southerly line of Sixth Street. senal bonds, all of the herem pro- thence Easterly along the Southerl~ posed work shall be done .in pur- line of Sixth Street 48.90 feet to the suance of an Act of the LegIslature point or be~inning; also, of the State of California designated . . - .. the "Improvement Act of 1911" ap- Begmnmg at a pomt III the South- proved April 7th 1911 and amend- erly line of Sixth Street distant 48.90 I ments thereto.' , feet \Vesterly from the point of inter. i' section of the Southerly line of Sixth Street, with the \Vesterly line of Railroad Alley; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of .Sixth Street, 24.10 feet; thence Southerly 86.07 feet; thence Easterly 23.00 feet; thence, Northerly 86.07 feet to the , point of beginning; also, That cert.ain parcel of land used as the site of the Gilroy School in said I City beginning at the intersection of! the Southerly line of Second Street, with the \Vesterly line of Hanna 'I Street. in said City of Gilroy, and running thence 'Southerly along the \Vesterly line of Hanna Street to the Northerly line of Third Street; thence, Westerly along said last mentioned line to the Easterly line of Carmel Street; thence Northerly along the said Easterly line of Car- mel Street to the Southerly line of l That said City Clerk is hereby directed to post notice of said work, together ~ith plans and specifications therefor, conspicuously for five (5) days on or near the Council Chamber door of Mayor and OonEon Council, inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered. He is also direoted to publish twice in the "Gilroy Advocate", a weekly newspaIler of general oiroulation, printed, published and oiroulated in said City of Gilroy, and hereby designated by said Mayor and Common Council for that pUr:Pose, a notioe inviting such pro- posals and referring to the sr-ecifioations posted or on file. All proposals or bids offered shall be accompanied by a check payable to the City of Gilroy, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be less than ten :Per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or by a bond for the said amount and so lByable, signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify, before any offioial competent to administer an oath, in dcuble the said amount, and over anci. above all statutory exemptions. Said sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said ~ ,4. tJL<. D1 y Mayor and Common Council, towit, said City Clerk, on or before 8:00 o'clock P.M. -#wj.F: "'I\.~ ~ .,..... ~.J r- of the :Nth- day of April 1924, said time being not less than ten days from the time of the first publication and posting of sand Notioe. Bids will be opened on said day and hour. ..--.....---- I HEREBY c&'ltTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly introduoed and adopted by the lI.iayor and Common Council of ghe City of Gilroy at an adjourned regular meeting of said Mayor and Common Council, held on the day of April 1924, by the following vote: AYE.S: Oouncilmen g. .J. Chesbro, C. B Fredriclmon, Brown, Wm. Ha:ltke, Geral(l Hecl{er, Chas. W. schemel; NOES: Couna ilmen N om~ ; 1\.. W. ABSJ'.:.:NT: Councilmen None. . City v , ~