Resolution 1924/04/07 T By motion of' Geral~ Uecker, seconQed by Chas. ~. Fre~rlckson, the f'ollowing Hesolution was pas~e(l and a(loptecl: :3J~ IT Im:.>OIN!~D 'fhat on Honday, tl1e 5th clay of Hay, 1924, an election be heht in the City of' f1ilroy, County of' Santa Clara, state of Calif'ornia, f'or the purpose of' clcctin~ the f'ollowing city o1'ficers f'or the City of' Gilroy, viz: ~ayor, Six Councilmen, Treasurer, City Clerk, Marshal. }i'or sa.iLl election two precincts are hereby establisherl an'l tho boun,laries thereof, poll in~ places a.mt !loarels of Blec tifJn shall be as f'ollows: First Precinct: All that portion of' the City of GIlroy in- eluded within the boundaries of' Gilroy Precinct No.1, Gilroy Precinct No. 2 aml Gilroy Precinct No. ~ of' the City of' Gilroy, as established by the Board of Supervisors of' the COllnty of 5' Santa Clara, State of' CalIfornia. For the purpose of' this el- ection said Gilroy PrecInct No.1, Gilroy Precinct No. 2 and Gilroy Precinct No. 1 are hereby consolidated. Polling place: Municipal f'ire house on Fi1'th Street. Board of' Election: 1 Inspector, S. Hooper 2 Jwlp.:es, II. P. Loril, .T. w. F'orsyth ..~ :-:.< - u ~ -- ........ 218 ~l Clerks, TIa.~el ;.lartin, .Tessie Kleiner, Fannie Holmes Second Precinct: All that portIon of the City of Gilroy In- clulle(l within t1v~ bOllTIllapies of Gilroy Precinct No. t\ and Gil- roy Precinct No. [} of' the City of' Gilroy, as established 1)y the Boaril or Supervisors or the County of :,anta Clara, Stat~ of Calif'ornia. For the purpose of this election said Gilroy P~e- cinct No. 4 and Gilroy Precinct No. 5 are herehy consoli~a- ted. Polling place: City Hall on Sixth ~treet. Board of Rlection: 1 Inspector, Phil Cox 2 Jmlges, Sapa.h Ii'. Tryon, Geor~e Gif't :) Clerks, A:lele 1lomnangh, Eva Lord, !11ary Hollenback. The polls will open a.t six o'clock 1\. ~.r. of' the Hay of' el- ection anll reanin open until seven o'clock P. ~!. of the same (lay when the polls will be closerl, except as rrovirl(~rl in Sec- tion 11tH 01 the Political Co:le of the State of California. In all otllCr I'espects saitt election will be helrl in ac- cordance with the general election laws of the State of Cali- 1'ornia. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, C. ~. Fredrickson, A. 'V. Brown, Wm. Hacltke, Geralcl Hecker, Chas. 1'{. SChCT'1C I; Noes, Councilmen None; Absent Councilmen, None. Chas. w_ Qnhn~n' ~~ ... '1_.- TIT - ... i