Resolution 1924/05/02 By motion of' Gerald Hecker, seconded by Chas. W. Schemel and carrierl the followin~ HeGolntion wss a<.lopted: WHElU~AS, the ~.Iayor and COJ11IIJOn Council of the City of' Gilroy did in open session publicly open, examine and declare all bids and proposals received for street improvement work as described in the Hesolution of Intention of' the ~layor an:l Common Council 01' Gilroy, passetl on the 17th <lay of' :rarCh, 1924, amI f'ind the biel of' the Southw'cst Paving Company to be the lowe:'it, now theref'nre, BE IT aEdOINm}, 'rha trail bi<ls or proposa.ls, '~xcept the bid. anJ. prpposal of the Southwest Pavi bg Company, be an<t the same are hereby rejected, and that said bid or pronosal of the said Southwest Paving Company be taJmn untIe!' a;lv1ser1fmt until Wedn- csday, the 7th day of May, 1924, at R otclo~k, p. m. i BE IT FUHTHgH tP~')(}TNJm, That tl-}e bonds accompanying all bids ~.'~:~ except the bid 01' the Southwest Paving Co, be returned to the unsuccessf'ul bi(l(lers. Vote, Ayes, CouncIlmen, fL J. Chesbro, C. g. Fre(lrickson, ~. W. Brown, Wm. llacltJ{e, Ceraltl Hecker, Cha.s. W. C:;chemel\i1 Noes, CounKllmen, None; Absent, Conncilrnen, None.