Resolution 1924/05/07 (2) r The Counci.l now procee;ls to canvass the retuJ'ns aml a1'ter l1av- ing ascertaineJ. the number of votes f'or each can liclat~, the fol- lowing Uesolution was on motIon of' E. J. Chesbro, seconded by Wm. .\adtke lluly a.nll rep,:ularly adopte(l, viz: WHl~rtJ~AS, the !\Iayor anll Corm1'Jon Council of' the City of' Gilroy has canvassed the vote cast a. t the 11'Jlmicipal election helrl in the City 01' Gilroy on the 5th day of May, 1924, NOW, rHl~aJ~FOHE, as the result of such canvass the Hayor ancl COlmnOl1 Council fiml that f'or the f'ollowing named of'f'ices, the perslins whose names appear below, received the nUJllber of' votes set 0pposite their respective na~es, viz:- FOH 1.L\ y,m J<lmes Princev,a.lle 'tC,'l votes w. 3. 3tuart TV) votes :>ca. t tcring votes, None FnH (;mJNC IV.mN . 272 votes 1P7 votes ,1-89 votes 'Vl1 votes 211 votes 450 votes 1\10 votes 401 votes !\9q votes ~~'] votes ::~:~1 voLes 4tH votes None H. P. Atkinson, ? "l''G. narney, llichar(l !Jl"'elTl, :--,r. A. W. Brown, rnmer lL Cottle, I",' \J. ]J. Frf~(lri c ks on, Geral(lHecker, Chas. H. PifH'ce, Wm. .la.; 1 tke , Joel GCOl'n:c .loss, li'rank Kone :lchalmi, .... 1" v. ~f. \;c~lGnel, :;ca ttering v~t,~s, li'on 'f;CU:m,rm Julia. .\.llen, 577 votes Gcatterinp,: votes, NOrH~ F0H Crry CL1~mC ~. F. ilol!ers, 5<12 votes Scatterin~ votes, None i I }i'oa :.L\,WIL\L L.;.;;;. x - ""v ~ ~ 228 Geor,ze l~aston, r,r;1 votes Scatt~rtn~ votes, None .\nI1 s.1.:hL ; I,lYOr' ,t11 t C omnon C ounc i 1 fints t'w, t V,c followin,'!. namc\l per~H)n:> lrl.v~ "'J~el1 ;lllly el.~cte,l to the respective 01'- fices h~rcil1 na!"l~l, viz: ~ayor, JW1es ?~incevalle, Councilmen: Wro. ltact tke , c. B. Fredrickson, ~lict}ar,l !Jrem, Sr. Chas. H. Pierc~, c. W. ~~chePlel, fieralrl IIecJcer. Treasurer, .Julia Allen, Ci ty C ler]c, ,.~. Ii'. Jlogers, i.larshal, Geol'/re gaston. an!i that cl~l'tiftc,ttes or election 11e Issued to ~;uch electe(l officers. Vote, ,\.yes, Conncilmen ]~. ,1. Cheshro, C. lL Predr-icJcsol1, A. ~.v. Erown, Wm. \tet(ttke, Gel~alit flecJeer, C. w. Schemel, ~oes, Councilmen, NOJ1l~: Xhscnt Connctlmcn, None. .