Resolution 1924/06/16 1 \lotion by C. W. Schemel, secnnlerl by R. Hrem Sr. that the f'ollowin,q; Hesolution be Cl.llopt,e'i; BE rf lm~)f)LVJ1;J, By the Mayor am1 Common Councilor the Ctty 01' Gilroy that the City 01' Gilroy purchase all that certain piece amI parcel 01' la.m1 riituate, lyin~ a.ml lleinp.: in the County of :,anta Clara, statA of CalifoY"nia, '10unrlet1 and pa.rticulal"ly uescrtbel as follows, to-wit:- :3e,~inning a. t tht3 southeasterly corner of the City of Gil r'Ov; t 'lence north COcleg. 58' east, f'ive hun,lrerl a.m1 fourte~n ant1 ~8/100 (511.1R) f'eet to the west bOlmdary line of' a 16.11 acre tract conveye'.l to H. 'Brem by deec1 'lat~(l .June Rth, 1920; thence a.long the west boun1lary 01' sai(l tract am1 the east hOl1nrlary of' a thirty foot roa~l reseJ'va tion south 0 (lep.:. 4-1/2 t west f'i1te hun- dred a.nli f'H'ty-four and Hi/l00 (5!'H, .16) f'eet; thence sonth ()9 de F-r,. , 55 1/2'west thre0 hun(1re(1 an~l twenty-four and 17/100 (~24.17) f'eet; thence north 20rleg west f'ive hun(1r'erl amI twenty amI 62/100 ( ij20. (2) feet to the point 01' beginnin~, anrl containing f'i ve anti 1/100 (5.01) acres, l)ein~ portion of lAhs Anima.s Hanch Lots 4:1 ami (1 44 accoxing to the maps accornpanyin~ the final neport of the pa~- ti tion of sa i1 :Lmcho. 'rop.:ether wi tl1 the easements a tta.chcrl thereto. Excepting an(l reseI'vinp; the l"i{!ht f'or a puhlic rO<l.(I, of that portion of' the af'oresaid thirty foot road lying within the above described tract; "' And to pay theref'or the Sl~ of' Three Thousand eleven an~ 66/100 :)olla.rs, which payment sha.ll be loarIe from the sewer f'llnfl of the City of' Gilroy. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen C. H. Pierce, H. Brem, 8r. GeraIel llecl{er, C. W. :3chemel; Noes, Councilmen,- None; Absent Council- men C. g. Fre(lricksoll, Wm. Hacl tke . .