Resolution 1923/01/04 By motion of E. .T. Ch~sbro, seconrlecl lJY Chas. 1'1. Scllernel the following resolution was adopted: BE IT HJ~:30INEl.), 'rhat it is the intention of the Mayor and Com- mon Council of the City of Gilroy to oriler the followinp; work to be done a.mi improvements macle in the City of Gilroy, to-wit: That sLlewalks ami curbs be cOTlstructeu on the following streets anu portions of streets, situate in the City of Gilroy, tn- wit: On the Easterly and Westerly sides of Eigleberry street from the center line of First street to the center line of W,i~hth Streets On the Easterly ami Westerly silies of Church street from the center line of First Street to the center line of Ei~hth street; On the Easterly anci Westerly sides or Rosanna street from the center line of First Street to the center line of Bi~hth Street; On the easterly side of Hanna street from the center line or First Street to the center line of Eighth Street; " 91 On the Westerly side of Hanna street from the center line of First street to the center line of Sixth Street; On the Southerly si~e of First Street from the center line or }{onterey street to the center line of' Hanna Rtreet; On the Norther'] y amI ~')out llCrly silles of Seconcl street from tllC center line of ~Ionterey stroet to the center line of Hanna Rtreet; On the Northerly <mIl sout11erly sides of Third Street from the center line of Monterey street to the center line of Hanna street; .... -" On the Northerly an.t ~,outherly shies of' Fourth Street from the center line of ~Ionterey Street to the center line of Hanna street; On the Northerly anl1 ~.,outherly s1e1es of l.'ifth Streqt f:rorn the center line of ~ont~rey ~~treet to the center line of Hanna Street~ On the Northerly an(l :Joutherly sl:1es of :Hxth Street fro)1'1 t'he c..enter line of ~\Ionterey street to the center line of Hanna Street; On the Northerly and Goutherly si~es of Seventh Street from the center line of ~!onterey Strel~t to the cpnter li.ne of Hanna Stl"e~t; On the Northerly side of ~t.glltll Street frOJl1 t1le center 1. tne or ~[ontcrey Street to the center line of Danna street; On the Northerly siela of Lewis Street froPl tJle center Itno of" Monterey Street to the cnnter li.ne of Forest Street; On the Southerly side of Lewis Street from the center line of ~ronterey street to the Easterly line of Forest Str~et; On the Nortl1e1"ly <.1.n,l ~)outherly sirles of ~rartin ~)treet from the center line of Monterey street to the Easterly line of Forest ... Stree t; On the Nortl1erly a11'1 :3outherly siles of :1ixth Street from V"'e center line of ~onterey street to the Easterly line of Forest ~3treet ; On the Northe-rly siele of Olri Gi lroy ~areet ft'oM the center 1 ;ne of Monterey street to the Basterly 11ne of Forest 1treet; On the 130utherly side of Olrt ~ilroy street frOM the center line of Monterey Street to the center line of Forest Street; fI'i'" .~. On the Easterly an(l Westerly sides of Hailro:.1d Street from the "',.,,",,;11 Northerly line of Lewi3 street to the Southerly line of Old Gil- roy street; On the Easterly anel Westerly stIles of Alexan(ler Street from t lle Northerly Line of Lewis ~>treet to the Southerly line of Old Gilroy street; On the Westerly side of Forest Street from the Northerly line 92 On the Easterly sille of Forest ;Hreet f'rom th8 cente1" line of' r~ ~ ~ I."- "'- of Lewis Street to the Southerly line of Old Gilroy stre~t; Lewis Street to the ceuLer line of Olel f:ilroy ;Hreet; 8XC~p'nNG from the work above 'tescril)ecl to be Ilone, all ~irle- walks and curbs which have already been constructed to official grade, in accor~ancc with the plans aTI11 specifications hereinar- ter referred to. ... The work of' constrl.lctin,p.: silewalks <1m1 curbs shall be done in .... accordance with the special plans and specifications provided for by Ordinance No. 10f> of the City of Iii lroy, which /)rdina,nce pro- vides plans for the construction of sidewalks and curbs, antI which said Ordinance was <l.lloptetl by the ~r<1yor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy on the 9th iiay lif li'ebruary, H)21. All the cost alltl expense of suilL improvement anll of constl"ll- c ting said sidewlafcs a1111 curbs, or sirlewlaItd or cur1)s, except the cas t and. expense of' const r'nc tin!!, si'lewlaks and curhs on all allev crossings, shall be aS3c'3':;e'l upon the lots anlI Ianll frontin;D.: on said improvements an(l in front of whicll sa iil sidew'all{ anll curl), 01" sidewalk or curb, 1s cons tl'lIC te:l. The cost of constructing the sidewalks and curbs on all alley ... crossings shall be paid by the City of r:ilroy from the General ..... Fund of said City. All the herin proposeel work s11all be done in pursuance of an Act of' the IJegislature of the State of CalifoJ'nia, llesifmated as the Improvement .\.C t of 1 !111, an'l ac ts amenrlator'y thereof. It is rllrt~lCr HE:3IH,VR) alKl tictermine(l, amI notice is herehy given that serial bond.s to represent l1npaiel assessment.. anll l')(~ar' interes~ at the rate of six per centum per ann1un, payable semi-an- nl1ally, will be issueu hereunuer, in the manner provided hy theIm- provement Bond Act of 1!11G, the last installment of which said l)on~q shall mature nine years from the second day of .July next snccee'lin,l!: nine months from their date. NOTICl!: is herel,y p:iven that any anti all persons havinfl: 011- ~ jections to the proposed work of improvement may appear before the ~ Mayor and Common Council at the Council C~amber in the City Hall in Gilroy, on Thursday, the 8th day of February, 1021, at the hour of 7: 30 0' clock P.M. an,1 show cause why sail! !lroposed improvements should not be carriecl out in aceordance wi t h saifl resolution. The Clerk shall cause this Hesolutton of Intention to be puh- lishecl. twice in the Gilroy ~\cl.vocat~, a wee1dy n~wsJlaper pllb- 93 lishecl. anu circulate,l in the City of' Gilroy, awl he~el)y (le~i!!:- nated by the ~llayor ;nul Common Council of' the City of' Gilroy. :rhe Street :3uperinten1lent shall immelliately cause to 'he cnn- spicuously posted along the line of said contemplated work and improvement and on the .front of all property liable to be assess- ed notices of the passa~e of this Resolution of Intention, in t~e manner amI form require,l by law. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen E. J. Chesl1ro, c. !~. Frerlr1ck<.;oYl, A. w. Brown, Wm. Itacltke, Geralel Hecker, CJ1::18. w ., . Schemel; Noes, COlm- cilman1 None; Absent, Councilmen, None. .