Resolution 1923/01/22 1 3y motion of' E. J. Vl1esbro, seconeled by Wm. aadtke the follow- ing llesolutton was ad0~ted, viz: BE I'l' Im:>nLV1D by the ~.rayor anel Common Council ot~ the City of' , Gilrgy, that all duties required to be perf'orrne-l. by the Rtreet Superinten1ient under an Act of the Ijep.;islature of the state of California, designated as the "Improvement Act of 1911", Annroved April 7th, 1911, devolve upon the City ~rarshal, who is street Corn- missioner of the Vity of Gilroy, an~ f'or the purpose of' prosecut- I ing all work unuer said ~Improvement Act of 1011", by the City or Gilroy, the Vi ty ~.Iarshal is hereby (lesip.;nated as Street ;:;uperin- tendent, and the bOlle1 heretof6re..!!iven by said City Marshal, shall also cover the duties to be performed by him as Street Superin- tendent. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen g. J. Cne~,ln'o, A. 'i. Brown, C...E. Freelrickson, Wm. Ha(i tke; Noes, Vouncilmen, None; Absent Coun- cilmen Gerahl Hecker, Chas. W. Schemel. "