Resolution 1923/03/12 1 By motion of Councilman Schemel, seconded by Councilman Radtke the following Resolution was passed and adopted: mmOIJUTION S'fHITCING OIi'li', SELLING AND AWAnDING / '1'0 COAS'f COUN'fIIW GAS AND gH<~C'l'HIC COMPANY, ITS SUCCIJSSORS AND A!>SIGN3, 'i'llJ~ \lIGHT, PlUVILEGG AND li'HANCHISg OF LAYING AND HAINTAINING GAS PIP~'~G, i.1AINS AND CONDUITS AND OF USING 'fUE :JAim INJn '1'1m PUHPOSl] OF CONVgYING, ins'rHlnU'rING AN') riUPPIJYING GAS Tn THl~ PUBLIC, IN crmTAIN HIGHWAYS, STH1~1~T:3 AND ALLEYS OF '!'lIE CITY OF GILBOY A~) ~)PgCIFIlm AND sg'r FOHTH IN .A Hl~~)OLUTION WHICH WAS ADOPT1<;D 33Y TIm ~IAYOH AN'!) co~mON COUNCIL OF '.rIm SAID CITY OF GIT,ROY ON TIn~ 22nd DAY OF J.i\.NUAHY, la21. WHl!:HI~AS the Coast Cotmties Gas a11(l Electrtc Company, a corporation duly or~anizell al1d existing under amI by virtue of the laws of the State of Calif'ornia, filed in the office of the l.fayor amI Common Council of the City of Gilroy on the 22nd day of January, lQ21, its application . for the franchise above mentioned and referred to; and Wi1EHl~~\S said Uayor and Cornman Council, 1m the ~~2ml clay of ~ranl1ary, la2~l, adopteel a resolution d.eclaring their intention of granting said franchi,se upon the terms and conditions in said resolution set forth; and " WHEHEAS due notice of' the sale of said fran- chise has been published in the manner and for the time pre- scribed by law and by the aforesaifi resolution; amI WHreHl~AS said Hayor and Connnon Council, at the time specified in said resolution and in said notice, viz:, at the hour of eight o'clocl< P. ~r. on Homlay, the 112 :~ ...""", ...,.. '. t-c, .... \:tC;IiiI:'. ~......"" 12th day of ;,Iarch, 10:2<1, met In open session :for the pur- pose of opening aml acting upon any bicls that ,rlip;ht be filed pursuant to said notice; an~ 'YllEa;~A3 saiet Coast Counties Gas and Electric Cotrpany, before the time appointeel for the opening of saill bids, had :filed herein its sealed bill for said :franchise whereby it o:fferccl for sairl franchi:,;e the sum of twenty- five dollars ($25.00) in ~old coin of the United States of Am'~rica, and sai!.l sealecl bid was accompanied lJy the certified checl{ of sai(l Coast Counties nas and rUectric Company, payable to the Treasurer of said C1 ty of' fa] ray for the full amount or said bid; and wu:ml~A[) no other or higher biel was filed or made for said franchise; NOW, 'flmaE:FO n~, Rl~ I'l' HESOLV!m by the r,layor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy that the aforesaid franchise be and the same is h~reby struck off, sold and awarded to saiLl Coast Counties Gas ahet tUectric Conrpan:v, its successors an(1 assigns, for the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) In gold coin of the United States of America, upon tIle terms and con(litions set forth in said bid, said notice and said resolution, to all oC which reference is hereby made for a more particular statement of said terms antI conclitions. Vote, Ayes; Councilmen C. g. Ii'redric}{sol1, A. W. Brown, Wm. Hadtke, Geral(1 lI(~clcer, Chas. 1V'. Schemel; Noes: Counc:ih-ten,NQne; Absent: Councilmen g. J. Chesnro. .