Resolution 1923/03/12 (2) T By motion of Councilman Hecker, seconded by CouncilMan " . Fredrickson the following resolution was passed and adopted: Hl~t~()LUTION s'rHIICING ori'F, smLTJING ANI) AWARDING TO COAST COUN'rIES GAS AND ELI~CTHIC COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND "t: ASSIGNS, TIlE nIGHT, P'l'IVIIJ;;Gl~ AND ri'HANCIIISE OF CONSTRUCTING AND 11AIN'rAINING ELI~CTn.IC LINT~S AND OF US ING 'rIm SA:m Fml 1'm~ PUHPOSE OF 'l'HANSMITrrING, DI'~'rHIBU'l'ING AND SUPPLYING P,L~CTnICIT 113 TO 'cm~ ?UnLIC, IN cmWAIN III GrP'lAYS , sTlUmT~ AN') AJJJl~YS OF TH~ CI'I'Y OF GIHWY AS ~)PECIFrm AW) :mT F'OHTH IN A m~SOUr1'r()N \'THICH I WAS ADOP'fl.m BY 'i'l-m MAYOH AN!) cnrrWlN CI}uNCIIJ OF TIm SAID Crl'Y OF GIUlOY ON '.i.'1I~ 22ml DAY m'" JANUAHY, 1023. ~nrmEA~) the Coast Counties Gas antI Electric Company, a corporation duly or~anized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the state of California, filed in the office of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy on the 22nd day-of January, 1a21, its application for the franchise above mentioned and referred to; and Wlm:mM; said Ilayor aml Common Council, on the 22ncl day of January, 1921, aclopted a resolution declaring their intention of g;ranting said franchise upon the terms and concli tions in saicl resolution set forth; and wnmmAS due notice of the sale of said fran- chise has been publishecl in the manner and for the time pre- scribed by law anll by the aforesaid resolution; and 'qnrnM, saicl ;,layor an(l Common Council, at the time specified in said resolution and in said notice, viz., at the hour of eif!:ht o'clock P. M. on Monclay, the 12th day of ..;. ,,w March, 1021, met in open session for the purpose of op~ning an,l acting upon any bi(is that may be filed pursuant to saiLl notice; and ~'TH;mgM3 saill Coast COllnties Gas anti glectric Company, bef'ore the time appointed for the opening of said bids, hall filerl herein its sealeel biel for said fr'anchise whereby it of'fered for sai(l franchise the sum of twenty-- five dollars ($25.00) in gold coin of the United states of America, anll saill sealerl hiei was accompanird by the certi- fied check of' said Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company, payable to the Tr'easurer of said City of Gilroy ... ' fOl'" the full amount of sai(l bici; amI ..."~ WW'm'SA:3 no other or hi~her bid was filed or made for said franchise; NOW, ri')mH1~F()H8, Tni' ...)..J rr ltESOLVEU by the ~.layor anll Common Council of the City of Gilroy that the afor'e- saill franchise be and the same is hereby strucl{ off, sold anll awarded to said Coast Counties Gas and 1Uectric Com- pany, its successors ancl assigns, for the sum of twenty- 114 rive llollars ($25.00) in ~old coin or the United States ~ :..< ~~ '-' I. ." ......... ~ of America, upon the terms and comli tions set forth in said bid, said notice and said resolution, to all or which reference is hereby malle for a more particnlar statement of said terms and conditions. Vote; Ayes: COUlicl1nen c. g. Freclriclcson, A. T~r '. Brown, .. ~Vln. Ila(ltke, Cerald IlecJ{cr, VIlas. '''. Schelnel; ~ Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: COlmcilmcn ~. J. Chesbro. By motion of Councilman Schemel, seconded hy Councilman Drown tbe following resolution wa.s passed ami adopted: HWWLUi'ION APPHOVING BON!) OF' COAS1' COUN'nES GAS ANJ L~LEC'flUC COUP.\NY r.:X~~CUTlm IN C/lN~)I'nlL\'l'InN OF '.rrm GHANT OF TIm Ii'HANUlu::m TO fJAY AN!} ~IAINTAIN G,\.l} nAINS IN C'm'I'!\IN HIGH"[I\YS OFL'lm CI'iY OG GIUWY. WHJ~mu~}' on the 12tij (lay of :,[arch, 1U23, the ... ~riayor an(l COlrunon Council ot' the City of Gilroy struck o:rr, sold .... anti awarf1e(1 to the Coast Councies Gas and ;nectric Company, a corporation orpranizecl and existing under an(1 by virtue or the laws of the ~)tate of California, the franchise of laying and maintaining mains for conveying and iltstributing gas to the public in certa.in highways in said City of Gilroy; and u~milEAiJ saitl Coast Counties Gas amt Tnectric Company, pursua.nt to law and the provisions of a resolution which was :l.llopted by said ~rayor and Common Council on the 22nd day of January, 1921, has duly executed and filed with said mayor anll Common Council a homl in the penal sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) bearin~ date the 12th day of March, 1!)2~1, ancI conditioned as prescribed by law and by the ~ last mentioned resolution; and ..... lYmmEAB, upon clue investigation and consid- eration, it appears to the satisfaction of said ?,{ayor and Common Council that said bond is in proper form and that said bond ~lS been duly executed by said Coast Counties Gas antI ;Uectr>ic Company awl by two P:OO(! anci sufficient sureties; 115 NOW, rflI1~:ml"nH"~, W~ n.' !l!~:)()rN'm lJy t 1V~ ~,~ayor amI Common Council of' the City of (alroy that saill 'bond be, anll it is hereby, accepted and a p:rn'ovecl. Vote, Ayes: Counctlnen C. l~. Fred.r:i.cksGn, A. ,.,1" , . TIpOWl1, Wm. nad tke, Gerald lIecJwr, C11as. W. Schei!1'~I; Noes, Councilmen None; Ab,~ent, Councilmen 1;;. J. Chesbro. .