Resolution 1923/03/28 ~ By motion of Hecker, seconded by Hacltlre the following resolution was adopted: m~;30INlW , that :it is the sanse of the council of th3 City of nilroy that in case a law be enactell to im- pose u tax on gasoline, one-thir~ of the revenue therefrom should be (listri buteel to the l'1unicipali ties and the othA.r two-thirds between the counties and the state; also that the motor vehicle fund be likewise distributed, both of said f~nds to be used in all cases exclusively for improvinr.; or reTlairln~ main streets or highways forming part of the state or county system; m~;;oLvl~D, that a copy of' these resolutions 1Je sent to the press ancl another copy to our Senator and assembly- man at ;3a.cramento. Vote, Ayes: Councilmen Chesbro, Ii'rerlric1cson, Brown, Hucltke, Hecker; Absent: Councilmen dchemel. "