Resolution 1923/05/14 ., , By motion of" Chas. W. Schemel, secol1(led by Wm. Radtke ancl carried the follmfing Resolution was adopted, viz: HJ~SOLUTION . BE IT HESOINEil, 'fhat the Havor anJ ComJ'1on Council of the City of Gilroy inst1"'llct H. B. Fish~1"', City lTIngineer of the City of Gilroy, to prenare an estimate of the cost of repairing an~ replacing all water mains and water service connections nf the City of Gilroy, necessary to ~e repaired and repalced preparatory to paving the streets of the City of Gilroy, included wit~in the following boumLaries, viz: Be~lnning at th~ point of intersection or the Northerlv line of Fi~st Street with the Westerly line of Hanna Street, and running thence Southerly and alon~ the Westerly line of Hanna Street to the Southerly line of Seventh Streets; thence Easterly and along the Southerly line of Seventh Street to the Easterly line of Railroad Alley; thence Northerly and along the Easterly line of Railroad Alley to the Southerly line of Old Gilroy Street; thence ~asterly and along the Southerly line of Old Gilroy Street to the Basterly line of Forest 3treet; thence Northerly ana alon~ the Easterly line of Forest street to the NortJlerly line n1' Ll~wis Street; thence Westerly an~ alon. the Northerly line of Lewis Street to the Easterly line of ~lonterey ~treet; thence Northerly and along the Easterly line of ~fonterey Street to the Northerly line of li'ir,st street; an;lthence alonf.!; the ~rortherly line of First Street to th~ place of be~inning. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, C. ~. Fredrickson, A. W. Brown, Wm. Hafltke, Geralfl Heclmr, Chas. W'. 3chlJIIlel; Noes, Councilmen None; Absent, None.