Resolution 1923/07/02 r ,". ___,_._,,,,, _ ..,~_...o ~__ "',',.. .~.'_""'_'__<-'" "__c^'",~"",_",""~__'_"'~"<_""'_"'>""" _",,",_, .'~'" .' .",. .- H~"-"-'"r"--"~",-":='~"~"'""'_~'=_"'_-"''''_''"''''f""'-"""-"""""~--""'-""~"':"'.""'''""''"'''''''''-"'''"'-'''.''''''"_..~"..__~-m-"'-=",._="_"''''''''~--==...c~c..__.''''~,c'''..,.~,.,,._""'",'''_,'_;'"-__'''''','''_'';_-~'_<'''''''''-'''''"''':'~-''''~'.''_-'''C;-"'<-'-;'''''''';;''_'~'''''_; "-- By motion or Gerald Hecker, seconded by Ohas. W. Schemel and carried the rollowing Resolution was adopted: WH~REAS, certain resolutions were passe<l and adopted by the Mayor anll Common Council on the 5th day of June and the 2nd (lay or October, 1922, respectively, author- ing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a certain contract and agreement with Thomas Kell ancl Minnie A. Kell in rull settlement or the action now pending in the Super- ior Court or the County or Santa Clara, State or Califor- nia, entitled City or Gilroy, a municipal corporation, vs. Thomas P. Kell and Minnie A. Kell, No. 25100 and, WHEREAS arter the execution and delivery or said contract, the said Thomas P. Kell and Minnie A. Kell re- rused to sign or execu)e the same on their part and pro- II ceeded with the appeal in said action, NOW THEHIWOllE, BE IT HEUEBY HESOINEI) that the rormer action or the Mayor anll Common Council in rererence to said settll~ment and compromise be and the same is hereby rescinded ami said agreement of compromise cancellerl. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen E. J. Che~bro, C. E. Fredrick- ""!29 ; ,"c':y;# son, A. W. Brown, Wm. Radtke, Gerahl I1ecJmr, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent, Councilmen, None. ~. Motion by Radtke, seconded by Schemel and carried that report of City Engineer Fisher on additions and improve- ments to the water system be accepted and placed on ftle. By motion of Chas. W'. Schemel, seconded by Gerald Heclrer and carried the following Resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, and it is hereby determined by the Mayor and Common Councilor the City of Gilroy, that the public i8- terest and necessity demands the acquisition, construction and completion of a municipal improvement to said city, viz: That all water mains and service connections of the City " or Gilroy within the City or Gilroy be repaired; and that new mains be installed at all places where the present water mains are unfitted for use, or are inadequate to supply the wants of the residents of said City, and also where no water mains now exist; and that meters and meter boxes be installed on all water service connections, the cost of which is to great to be paid out of the ordinary income and revenue of the municipality; 'fhat the estimate(l cost of sailI im'Provement is $87,130.- 60; and the ordinary income and recenue of the City of Gil- roy is $44,104.42, all of which is used in defraying the or- dinary running expenses of sailI Ci tYi the assessed valua- tion of all real anfl personal property of said City is $2,346,240.00, and the present bonded indebtedness of sat(I City is $54,000.00 and no more. Yore, Ayes, Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, C. E. Fredrickson, A. W. Brown, Wm. Ha(ltke, Gerald Hecker, Chas. W. Bchemel, Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent, Councilmen, None.