Resolution 1923/08/06 T w'_ _..,.'~"~.. ._..'"., " ,_ '~>o",~,._.:~.,,_ .""""_~'_'r""o'_"""."'_"~"""''''''''.=~'~ C.,.,.,,' ._"."_, ..__ '-"c',<<" """""'~_"'''C~-'_'''_'''''''-''''"''"'''''-''~e''"'''''>''."~=C=~'''-'."'_f~"-''''''-'-=''''_,",''''''''-__'''"''_'''-"'''_'~~''''''''''''''''''_'''''''''''^'''',,"",,'''''''.__""'"'.=...._"""=~,=''''"c,''=''''''''''','''"._c''''.i'''~~'''_'"'',_'''''=_'''_..'''''""'''''_'~''~_'_~=-';;':;'.'".'';'';C'i'.C'''' By motion of Hadtke, seconrled by Fredrickson the follow- ing aesolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVlm, By the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, tqat a vote of appreciation and thanks be ex- tended to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara, for the valuable service rendered by the Board of Su- pervisors to the City of Gilroy by reason of said Board tak- ing over and paving First Street and Old Gilroy Street in said City. Vote, Ayes Councilmen C. E. Fredrickson, Wm. Radtke, Ger- 1.30 -_._"'-""""'"-~~--'._'" _.',~,,- ,," ~...., aId Hecker, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; ->,. :~.~ ItIIf"""'Jof 1,._..,./ . \.':7"""" Absent. Councilroen E. J. Chesbro, A. W. Brown. tI.~l<""'''1 ..