Resolution 1923/11/05 r .........,.,.' "....."..',."'.'.'.,,.";..."",..="'."','_,,^."'......,;"~_,)",,,"'.""~""'" .0..''''"'''' 0> ,.~....,..,~'.,"".c.,..,.,"',~-.=c-_,.,C'..c;,,,"=',._""";- ,.,.,". ".r,..'..k'.,H.."".-""".'4"',.''''';,."''~._..,~<-,,,._''''',.''''"'~,,-:."'''o..'."''_.,.',,=''';;o~~'''''"''"''~''''-.=,;'''<;~,.,~''''''''''''='''''''.;c.''-C.'''"'"''="";;,;"",;.'_~".',,..~"'K~,","'-~"''''';~' ,', ....'-.""";!.,~.,.'"_;'"',q~'C<,'-:.'".;_':...: ',":.;., By motion or FrellricJcson, Sf~C()wte:t 'hy Schemel and car- ried. th'~ followin{T, Hesolution \fa.S ;vloptel:- 'BE IT H1~S()INID, T.ly the ;,Iayor a.ntl Commnn Council of the Ci ty of Gilroy, t11at the Resolution of Intentton ail.o'!'lt(~(l amt nassell. by the ~,Iayor anri Common Council of tIle Ci tv or Gilroy, on the 4th day of .January, 1~21, be, ancl the same is hereby r'epeale(l, :1.n(1 that a.ll worlc contemplated to be done by re.:l30n of' saifl Hesolution of Intention, be, and. the Slme is hereby a.banctonell. Vote, Ayes, Counctlmen ~. J. Chesln'o, C. g. ~'re(lrick- son, :\. w. Brmfn, WIn. lla(ltlce, Gm"aLl. lIecJ{er, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent, Councilmen, None. ..