Resolution 1922/02/15 1 By motion o:f Hartin seconded by Chesbro the :following reso- lution was adopted: R~flOTJUTION . Blr: IT H.l.;;SOLV}IIlln by the mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy that Jas. Princevalle, ~Iayor, amI ~. Ii'. Rogers, Clerk of the City of Gilroy, ~e, and they are hereby authorized and directed on be.alf of the City of Gilroy, and as its act and deed, to enter into a lease with COAST COUNTIJtS GAS AND l~I.l.tCTRIC C01fPANY whereby said City of Gilroy will lease unto Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company for the term of twenty-five years :from date thereof, the f'ollowin/l; pieces and parcels of' land, situate, lying and being in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, 56 " "'~ :..< "'- v ~." ......... """""" and particularly described as follows:- All that certain piece and parcel or land now occ*ried by the Gas Works heretofore belonging to tile City of Gilroy, and the plUllping plant acljacent thereto; that certain parcel of laml formerly occupied by the Olectric plant of tlre City of Gilroy; that parcel of land now occupied by the gas compression stora.ge tanks of the Coast Counties Gas and Ja:lectric Company, and also the right to use the drainage installation, of, the City of Gtlroy for' the clrainage of' the gas plant formerly ownell by it, for a regular monthly rental of Fifty Dollars per month. Vote, Ayes, Councill'lcn :.:;. .1. Chesbro, }\.. W Drown, Wm. Hacltke, n. ~.j. ~Iartin; Noes, Councilmen None; absent, Councilmen C. C. I,ester, Chas. W. Schemel. ,