Resolution 1922/04/03 r By motion o~ Schemel seconded by Martin the rollowing Reso- lutioD was adopted: RESOLUTION. BE IT lUi:SOLVltU that the City ot Gilroy lease unto C. C. Donahue and B. E. Brownell, as Trustees, for Gilroy Golr and Country Club and its successors, that certain piece and parcel ot land here- "I inatter d~seribed, tor the yerrn of Ten years at the regular monthly rental of' Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per month, payalJle in advance; and James Princevalle, Mayor of the City of Gilroy, and E. F. Ro~ers, City Clerk, are hereby authorized and directed, on behalr of said City ot Gilroy, and as its act and deed, to make, execute and de- liver unto said C. C. Donahue and E. E. Brownell, as such Trustees, a lease or said premises upon the conditions hereinbefore stated. The property to be leased is parti8ularly described as f'ollows: All that certain lot, piece and parcel of' land situate, lying and being on the Northerly side of' the Bodf'ish Mill Road about two miles \'fest or the City of Gilroy, County ot Santa Clara, State of' California, containing sixty (60) acres of land, and particu- larly described as follows: Bouncled on the North and East by land of OUSley, on the South 'by the Dodtish ~fill Rtlad, and 011 the W'est by the Burchell Road and lancl of Ousley. ltXC1!:PTIlW AND IlESltnVING theretrorn that part thereof' used by the City of Gilroy as a reserToir site and also that part thereof' used as a burial ground. 162 I --. ~-~ ,!.~ :-..< ~ '-" c:..... ~ ~. -j' , Vote, Ayes, Councilmen I~. J. Chesbro, C. C. IJester, A. W. Brown, I ' \lm.lladtke, R. U. ~lartin, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen None; Absent, Councilmen None. ,