Resolution 1922/11/06 By motion or ~rown, seconQa~ ~y Chesbro anQ carria~ raso- i lution on the llea th of Chas. c. V~ster as prellarefl by the C oml'li t- tee was adopted as follows: HESOUJ'l'I0N Charles C. IJester, who was a J11cnfher of the City Council of the City of Gilroy, died on the 13th day of September, lQ22, as , the result of an automobile accident which occurred near Hission ! San .Jose, in the County of Al<lple'la nn tIv; flay P]"l:;,~'3e:Hn,~ ~1is 85 (leath. Charles C. Lw.; t81" wa" (J()Pll in COnllOC ttC'lt on the 9th lla~r of' Jann- ary, lR81, anl wa.s of tlle .l.t~e of forty-one years at th8 time nf his (lea th. iIe came to CalifornIa wi th hl~ '!l~r'ents when he wa::> !lime years olrl an,1 receivc.l his educa.tion in LIte scho',ls o,f tIlL, (;ounty. lIe was elec tell a n1(~l'lher of th\~ Counail in 'fay, 1920, an'l w:-ts "l0~""7- tng his second t."~rm at thB time of his ,leath. As a member of' thA Council 113 Ivas ev'~r fa.i thful in the flischarp:r> of his lluties, an,l his (JKtensi vo knowleclf!:(J of financial affairs a.n:! his keen business ability ma~e him an tmnortant member n? the Coun- cil an(l ma;le him capable of' ;rivinQ: "<TalualJle scpvice to t1v~ City of" Gilroy. "He hall reacllc"t that point in life wher>c ;;i;tn!!ool'l t s marnin!! al- most touches noon, a.nil while the shallows st:i.l1 were :falling to- wards t~e west." He will ne mis:;(~II in (}llr connsel~ amI in our mi.-1st, ,tnl we lamnnt his eaply ,'lemise. TiIiL<;iE~~I'O.l:':, 3e it ,le;,olvc1l, l'lw.t 'hv reasrm ()f tllC ,lcath of Gharles G. Lester, tll(~ Council has 10s t a .fai thful memher, anJ t'lC ~tty o.f Gilroy a va.lua1)le Imblic o.fficial an,ltl1G cOJ'lFlunit,,v in which he li veIl an enterprisin:q;, enerp':f; tie anfl wn-rt11Y c1 t tznn. Be It li'urther ,lesolve\l, That a COllY o.f this resolution 1)e en- grosse(l on the mln'lttJs o.f our me(~tln!!:.' Vote, Ayes, Councib~en ~. J. Chesbro, " vr ,~ . Brown, wm. Hart t?'i::Q, i."ha.s. w. ;.:lchemelj Noes, CounCilmen, None; Abr>ent Councilman Geral~ Hecker. i