Resolution 1922/12/11 [ ! . By motion of HecJ<:er, seconded by Schemel the followin{!; Tlesolu- tion was adopted: 89 BE IT Jm:WLVgn, 'fhat the Ci ty of Gi lroy acc~Tlt t11C foJJ nWlng submitted by The Seap.;rave Company in response to the aclvertlse- mcnt of the City of' r.ilroy dat~tl nctnl-)el" l1.th, :_U:}2~, tn furnlsh the City of' Gilroy with a ~otor propelled ptDnper with the modifi- cations hereafter noted, Tiz: One 6 cylinder 750 ~allon ca-pacity pumping enf!ine and hose car, without chemical tank and equipped with R5 p.;allon water tank connec tell to intake silIa of pumping unit, wi th :~oo feet of chcMi- cal hose and chemical hose reel. Car to he eqni pped wi t'h soliel rubher tires anll plll'lp to be e'lui Trpe,l with rear enel suc tion con- nection, amI in all other respects to conform to the specit'ica- tions accompanying the proposal of Seagrave Co~nany now on file ,in the office of the City Clerk of the City of nilroy, which ap- paratus the SeagraTe Company a{.!;rees to furnish to tIle Ci tv of Gilroy for the sum of Twelve Thollsan,l awl Fifty Dollars (81~,- 050.00). For the ahove a~paratus the City of niJroy will pay the Seagrave Company th~ sum of Twelve Thousancl amI Fifty Dollar~.; ( $12,050.00) as follows: $ 401A.nA within ten days after the de- livery anli acceptance of the apparatus in Gilroy, ami the balance of the purchase price in five equal annual payments of :hGOf. f68, said payments to begin in one year after the initial pa~~ent or $401€. 66, anll a.ll deferrell payments to bear intel'es tat the rate 01' six per centum pre anJ1lu'1, p,tyalJlc semi-annually. The ~!ayor and City Cler!( of the City of Clilroy a.re hereby authorized an,l d i- rected to enter into a contract on behalf or th~ City of Gilroy with the Sea~ral'e Company for the purchase of sai,l aTlparatus ac- cording to the fore~oin~ terms, said contract to ne in fOrM to be approved by the City Attorney. Vote, Ayes, ConncilI'len C. T~. Frerlrickson, A. W. Brown, ner- ald Hecker, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent '~nlln~ilrnen R. J. Chesbro. Wm. lladtke. .