Resolution 1921/09/19 1 I By motion of Uartin, seconded by Schemel and carried the follow- ing Hesolution was adopted: D8 l'f RI~SOINlm and it is hereby determined by the Mayor ancl Com- mon Council of the City of 6ilroy that the public interest and ne- cessity demands that the Electric Light anu power distributin~ sys- tern and the gas generating and distributing system of the City of .ilr~y, including the 70 horse power boiler and the buildin~s in which said. gas generatinf!: system is situated, but exclucling th~ land upon which said gas generating plant is located, be sold, and the proceeds of such sale be applied as follows:- 40 per cent. thereof for the purpose of making im- provements anfl additions to the water system of the City of Gilroy, 40 pe~ cent. thereof for the purpose of making:im- provements and extensions to the sewer system or the City of ~ilroy. 20 per cent. thereof for the purpose of making im- provements to and purchasing apparatus for the Fire Department of the City or Gilroy. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen E. J. Chesbro, A. w. Brown, R. M. Mar- tin, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, CounCilmen, Nine; Absent Councilmen C. C. I,ester, Whi. Radtke. "