Resolution 1921/11/10 By motion of C. C. L~ster seconded by Chas. w. Schemel the following Resolution was adopted: It appearin~ from the elect- ion returns of the Special Election held in the City of Gilroy} on the 9th day of November, 1921, that the total number of vot8S cast was 261, and that 216 votes were cast in favor of the 1st Proposition submitted to the ~lectors of the City of Gilroy, and that 22 votes were cast against said ~roposition, and that 2~5 votes \fere cast in :favor of the 2nd l-roposi tion submi tted to the ~lectors at said election and that 15 votes were cast against said 2nd Prpposition.' The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy finds and declares that more than two- thirds of the votes cast at said Special Election were voted Yl':C, and in favor of the 1st l-roposition submitted, and more than two-thirds of the votes cast at said Special ~lection were voted YES and in favor of the 2nd Proposition submitted to the ~lectors at said Special f':lection and that both of sa.id Propo- ,,, " '..~ '"",. 48 si tions were (luly carried. Vote, Ayes, CouncilI'I~n T<" , . J. Chesbro, C. C. Lester, R. ~J:artin, Chas. \I'. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, Nonel Absent Councilmen A. VI. Brown, wm. Ilacltke. " v. J,~ ~ ......- ,.,. ',,; v I.::.- """"""