Resolution 1921/12/07 I ! By motion of C. W. Schemel, seconded by A. w. Brown, the f~l- lowing Hesolution was a(loptell:- WlIhiHl~AS, the ,"';ayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy did on the 18th day of October, 1921, adopt and pass Ordinance No. 312 of the City of Gilroy, bein~ entitl~d "An Ordinance ca11- in~ and providing for and giving notice of a special election to he held in the City or Gilroy, County or Santa Claba, State of' Calirornia, on Wednesday, the 9th day of NoveMber, 1021, the ob- ,ject being to submit to the qualified electors of saitt city a proposition of selling the JUectric Light aml "'ower T)istrilmtinr: System ancl the Gas Generating and Distributing System or the City of' Gilroy, including the 70 horse power boiler amI the lmilllinp: in which said Gas Generating System is situate<l, but excluding the land upon which said nas Generating plant is locateel, and of applying the proceeds of such sale to making improvem~nts and ad- ditions to the Water System, the Sewer ~ystem and the Fire De- partment of the City of Gilroy." And WH1'~H1CAS, at the special election held in the City of Gi 1- roy on the 9th day of' November, 1921, pursuant to said Ordinance 112, more than two-thirds of the votes ca~t at said elction were cast in f'avor of' sellinr: each of the public 11tilities mentioned in said OrlHmance No. 312, and by saift vote, satel electors clid authorize the Yayor and C OInmon Conncil of the Ci t3r of Gilroy to sell the public utilities mentioned in said Ordinanc~ No. 112; NOW, Tm-;;m~FOH~, BF. IT n'Rf}(HNr~!J, That the City of Gilroy sell the public utilities mentioned in said Ordinance No. Q12, viz: The J:Uectl"ic Light and )l*ower Distrilmting System or th~ Ci.ty of Gilroy and the Gas Generating SysteI'1 of' the City of Gtlro:v, tn- . eluding the 70 horse power' boiler and the huilcling in which said Gas Generating System is situated, but excluding the land upon which said Gas Generating plant is located, and the Clerk of the City of Gilroy is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice to be published pursuant to flection :1 of Chapter :)~7 of the stat- utes of 1921, of the State of California, givin~ notice that on for' ~n.ch of the THl1)lic utili ti~s h~retnl)~f'ore mentionecl. All ,~ ::..< u " "--' """"'""' 50 \'.(dr,es,lay, the ~?Rth day of Deceyr(ber, 1021, birls will he rec~iv~d bids must be in writing, suhsc'i'ibeLl by the l)i(l<l~r, and he accon- panied by a certified c}~ck in th~ sum of' $1000.0n, payable to the Clerk of the City of Gilroy, and, must be filed in the of'fice of the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, at his o1'ficl"! in the city of Gilroy, on or before the hOlW of 7:10 ~.~. of said 2Rth, ciay of' lJecember, lm?l. Votes, Ayes, Councih,en A. w. Brown, wm. llacltJre, n. 'I. ifur- tin, Chas. W. Schemel; Noes, Councilmen, Yohe; Absent Council- laeTI !L J. Chesbro, C. C. Lester. "