Resolution 134 1; RESOLUTION NO.lM RESOLUTION OF Tl-'::E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING MEMORA11DUM 0 F 1G REEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF 1/4 GEl-IT GAS TAX ALlOCATED FOR STREETS OF MAJOR IMPORTANCE. W1IEREAS, a memorandum of agreement has been presented to be entered into with the State of California in accord- "T 631 ance with a project statement for expenditure of tl~ 1/4 cent gas tax for the fiscal year 1942 allocated for streets of major importance other than State highviays in the City of Gilroy ; and ~nEREAS, the Common Council l~s heard read said agree- ment in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Comrnon Council of the City 0 f Gilroy that said project statement be and is hereby adopted as the budget of proposed expenditures of the 1/4 cent gas tax allocated for streets of major imp- ortance other than state highways, and said agreement be and the same is hereby approved and the mayor and the city clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said city, said agreement to be binding upon the city upon its execution by the autlwrized officials of the State. Adopted and passed this 3rd day of September, 1941, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen:George A.Martin,George M.l!Jason,Jack Rogers,James Battersby,Nat Heiner. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT:counCllmen:J.H.wentwor~ " ~ ~~. d:ayor. ATTEST: ~lt~C~ .