Resolution 142 r RESOLUTION Nj).. 148 RESOLUTION Of THE COMMON COUNCIL OJ' THE CITY OJ' GIIBOY APPROVING M1U40RANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOB AOaUMULATION or 1/4 CENT GAS TAX ALLOCATED J'OR STREETS OF MAJOR IMPORTANCE. WHEREAS, a memorandum ot agreement has been presented to be entered into with the State at California for aoou- mulation ot the 1/4 oent gas tax for the tisoal year 1944 allooated tor streets ot major importanoe other than state highways in the City ot Gilroy; and WHEREAS, the Common Council has heard read said agree- ..nt in full and is familiar with the oontents thereot; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Couno il ot the City ot Gilroy that, under the provisions ot Seotion 200 ot the Streets and Highways Code, the 1/4 oent gas tax allooated for streets ot major importanoe other than state highways be aooumulated for future expenditure, and that said agreement be and the same 1. hereby ap~roved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City, said ~reement to be binding upon the City upon its exeoution by the authorized offioials o t the State. ADOPTED and PASSED this 7th day of September,1943. AYES: Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,James Battersby,David V.Stout. Counoilmen None. NOES: ABSENT: Counoilmen Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth. ~:e May . ?rr-e: ~ ~ ATTEST!} \J~ ~\~ Oi ty Clerk. ..