Resolution 143 T RESOLUTION !...2. · 143 WHEREAS, the best possible climatic conditions are, essential 1n hospitalization and rehabilitation of our men wounded in the present war, ANlj WHEREAS, Santa Clara County, California, is world famous for its year-round sunshine and moderate, even temperature, AND, WHEREAS, this County offers the further benefits of a flowering, mountain-rimmed valley, providing a restful, soothing environment for injured and war-weary men, AND, WfmREAS, this County is conv~niently near the San Francisco- I Oakland metropolitan area, and is a junction point for rail and bus lines, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, join with the Board of Supervisors and the Chambers of Commerce of Santa Clara County 1n respectfully recommend- ing to those federal officials charged with the responsibility of selecting sites for Government hospitals that Santa Clara County be given careful and special consideration as the ideal site for such a hospital, and, BE IT FURTHER REBOL VED that the area near the City of Gilroy, in said County, be given careful consideration as the site for such a hospital. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 26th day of . Al)r11 . 1944 by the I i ~. ~. following vot~s: A YES: NOES: CounCilmen: George A.M8rt1n,Nat He1ner,J.H.Wentworth, Dav1d V.Stout. Councilmen: None (f.. ~ ABSENT: Councilmen: George M.Maaon, James Battersb . Mayo Attest: G,~,~ City Clerk .'