Resolution 155 RESOLUTION NO. 155 BEFORE TF..E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY,SANrA CLARA COU:NTY, CALIFORNIA. GRANTING TO SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY A PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, MAI:NTENANCE AND OPERATION OF A SPUR TRACK IN AND ACROSS LEAVE SLY ROAD IN THE CITY OF GIIJWY. W~REAS, it appears to this 60uncil that the Southern Pacifio Company, a corporation, has applied for and is desirous of procuring a permit to construct,maintain and operate a spur traokaoross Leavesly Road in the City of Gilroy and the description of the center line of the proposed track across said Leavesly Road is as ctollow.,to wit: Begi~ning at a point on the southerly line of Leavesly Road distant thereon 30 feet,more or less,measured in an easterly direction from the intersection of said sou~ herly line of Leavesly Road with the westerly llne of Southern Pacific Company's right of way;thence in a northerly lireotion over and across Leavesly Roadfor a distance of 60 feet,more or less, to a point in the nort herly line of Leavesly Road ,said point being distant 33 feet,more or less,measured in an easterly direction alow said northerly line of Leavesly Road from its intersect- ion with the westerly line of the Southern Pacifio Oomp- any's right of way;thence continuing on into pDlvate property. It further appearing that the construction of said spur track is necessary and convenien' for the proper operation of said Southern Pacific Company in providing service for industrial concerns; And it further appearing to this Council that the construction of an additional track aoross said Leavesly Road in the location above desoribed will not materially interfere with the public travel upon said-road there being three tracks across said raod at approximately the same location at the present time. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by thas Council that the said Souther. Pacific Company be and it is hereby granted a revocable permit to construct,maintain and operate a spur track across Leavesly Road in the location above desctibed. Said spur track shall be constructed with upper surf~ce rails flush with the existing surface of said Leavesly Road and grantee shall improve such road lying between the rails of said track and two feet outside thereof in the same manner and with the sa~e materials as shall be used in the adjacent portions of said road. Said spur shall be used for industrial purposes and the transportation of freight only, and not as a main line. This resolution shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. Adopted NOES: ABSENT: this 7th day of May,1946 by the following vote: t Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat H.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout. Councilmen None. Councilmen Henry J.Schilling. Hei ner, AYES: ATTE~T : ~HL~~ City Cler ,/