Resolution 166 ., RESOLUTUON NO.166 -- BE IT RESOLVED by the Coromon Counc il of the City 0 f Gilroy, that pursuant to Ordinance No.450 of said City of Gilroy, a p3rmit is, hereby granted to WILLlAl.l E.SILACCI A1\ID JESSIE A SII..ACCI to main- tain a taxi stand at the following places,to wit: 1. A space in front o~ 23 South I{onterey Street. 2. A space at the southwest erly corner of 6th and Llonterey Streets, being next to the Hotel 1ililias. 3. A second space northerly of the driveway at the Greyhound Bus Depot No.460 North lilonterey Street. This permit is revokable pursuant to the provisions of said Ord- inance 450 of said City. rrhe said City of Gilroy shall paint a strip on the curb aththe places where said taxi stands are hereby established. Ado pt ad and ]:a s c:;e d tl1 is 7th cla y 0 f Apr il by the fo llowing vote: AYES: Councilmen George I,i.I-1ason,J.H.1.'ienti70rth,Ray L.Stevens, James B.Thomas. NOES: Coune ilme n :None. ABSElTT: Councilmen George A.l'lartin,Nat Eeiner. 896 Attest: CF~~Q~ Si t Y '-Jl erk t (l~