Resolution 169 . RESOLUTION NO. 169 1. WHEREAS, the State of California under Chapter 2O,Statutes of 1946 (First Extxa Session).as amende4,has ~ppropri.ted tunds for allotment to provide for financial assistance to Looal Agencies, defined therein as oounties,ciiies and counties and cities,so that the)" ma)" engage in a large publio works construction program in order to prevent and alleviate unemployment; and 2. WHEREAS,the aforesaid Aot in Section 23 authorizes a Local Agenoy to assign the tunds all-oaated to it thereunder,or any portion thereot,to any other Local Agenc)" or to any governmental unit or distriot in this State; and ~. 7,JI.lEREAS.the City of Gilroy desires to make an assignment to ... 90'7 the Division 0' Highways of the Department of Public Works 01' the State of!' California,and has had allocated to it by sa1d act aIUt amount which contains suffic1ent balanoe to permit the assignment., "",:0.;1\:1 ther8'fema of the sum here1nafter mentioned; 4. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Gilroy hereby assigns the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) from the funds allocated to it under said act,to the Div1son 01' Highways of the Department or Public Works of the State 0 l' Cal1forniafar the sole use of the assignee in connection with the installation of Traffic Control Lights and appurtenanoes thereto at tour intersections on State Highways Route 2 in sai. City of Gilroy;suoh assigned funds to be used for the uses and purposes prescribed by the aforesaid Act; and 5. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that certified copies of this Resolution shall be filed with the Assignee.,The State Controller,the State Direotor at Finance, and the State Allocation Board. ADOPTED .AND P.ASSED this 5th day of May,l947, by the following vote: AYES: Councilman George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,J.H. Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,lames ~.Thomas. : NOES: Councilman None ABSENT: Counc lman None SIGNED: A'rl'EST: G.u..~ P.A. Cox City Clerk ~'