Resolution 170 1 RESOLDTION Nt.17g 1. WBEREAS,the State of California,under C~pter 47, Statutes of 1944 , (4th Extra Session) has appropriated funds for allotment to Local Agencies ,defined therein as oities ,counties or cities and co counties for the purpose of defraying not to exoeed one-half of the oost of preparing engineering field surveys,engineering or arohit- ectural designs and working and detailed drawings and speoifications and for the purpose of paying one-halt or less of the cost of acq- uisition of right-of-way and sites,for postwar publio works projects in which these is a state interest (as qualified by the Aot) all as set forth in said Aot; and 2. WHEREAS,the aroresaid Aot authorizes a Local Agency to assign the money allocated to it thereunder,or any portion tbereof,to any other Local Agenoy,or to any governmental unit or distriot in this State; and 3. WHEREAS,the City of Gilroy has had allocated to it by said Act an allocation for Plan Preparation whic.h CD ntains a suffioient balance to permit the assignment theretrmn of Two Hundred and Fifty and NO/1OO Dollard ($250.00) for the Division of Highways of the Dep,artment 01' Publio Works of the State of California,and it is desired to make suoh an assignment; 4. NOW THEREFORE BE rr RESOLVED, that the City 01' Gilroy hereby assigns to the Division of Highways or the Department of Public Works of the State of California fran the aforesaid allocat ion for Plans Preparation the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty and No/IOO- Dollars ($250.00) for t he sole use of the assignee in connection wi th the installation of Traffic Control Lights and appurtenances thereto at four intersections on State Highway Route 2 in said City of Gilroy;suoh assigned funds to be for the uses and purposes of the aforesaid Act;and t 5. BE IT lJURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution shall be filed with the Assignee,the State Controller ,the State Direotor 01' Finance,and the Postwar Public Works Review Board. ADCDPTED AND PAlSED this 5th day of May,1947 by the following vote: AYES: Councilman George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner, J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Seevens,James B.Thomas NOES: Counc ilman None ABSENT: Counoilman None /4 Signed / -~ J r~ Geo~ C.Milias,Mayor Athst: 8.(k~ P.A.Cox,Cit Clerk