Resolution 171 T RESOLUTION NO.171 l. WHEREAS, the State of California,under Ckapter 20,Statutes of 1946, (First Extra Session) ,as amended, has appropriated funds for allot- ment to provide for financial assistance to Local Agenoies,defined therein as counties,cities and counties,or cities, so that they may engage in a ]a rge publio works ,0nBtruct ion program in order to alleviate unemployment; and 2. WHEREAS,the Connnon Council at the City of Gilroy hereinafterdes- ignated "Local Agenoy" desbres to apply for an allotment of State Aid for vonstruotion a a public works projeot under said Act;and 3. WHEREAS,an application to the State Director of Finance for such an allotment has been prepared and presented to this Legislat ive Body for cons ide rat ion; and 4~ WHEREAS,Looal Agenoy has nade provisions for paying for that portion of the cost of the project not request ed as an allotment from the State; 5. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that Local Agenoy submit the aforesaid application for State Aid for oonstruotion of a public works project to the Directo r of Finance, requesting an allotment of Four Thousand and Thirty-One and 40/l00 Dollars ($4,031.40) or an allotment of suoh amount as may be al~oted by the St~te Allooation Board; 6. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that Loo,l Agenoy hereby certifies that the total estimate of oost to be paid tor the oonstruction of the Improve- ment of Eigelberry and Ninth Streets for which Local Agency is making application under said Act is Eight Thousand and Sixty-Two and 80/100 Dollars ($8,062.80); and , 7. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Local Agency hereby requests the State to the the State's share of the total actual cost of Construction 01' the project for which Local Agency is making application for aid; 8. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that for the purpose of the request W.J. Hanna,City Engineer of the City of Gilroy,be, and he is hereby is, designated as the wuthorized agent of Local Agency,and is hereby authorized and directed to sign the herein mentioned application of Local Agenoy and to submit the same to the State Director of Finanoe together with a certified statement of thetotal estimated cost to be paid for construction of project herein mentioned and such other inf- ormation as may be required; am said authorized agent is further authorized and directed-as representative of Local Agency to conduct all negotiations and conclude all arraggements with either the State Allooation Board or the Direotor or Finanoe,inolllding all requests for payment of the State"s share 01' the cost of CD nstruction of the aforementioned public works projeot. PASSED AND ADOPTED this second day of June,1947 by the following vote: AYES 1 Councilman George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,R.H. Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas. NOES. Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilme n None SIGNED ~ e ?-'7~ George'q Milias,M~yor ,/ Attest: 2.~\~ P.A. Cox, City Cl'erk