Resolution 178 RESODUTION NO.178 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING MEI.1ORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF l/4 CENT GAS TAX ALLOCATED FOR STREE'l'S OF MAJOR n,iIPORTANCE VIHEREAS, a memorandum of agreement has been presented to be entered into ,with the State of California in accordance with a project statement for expenditure of the 1/4 cent gas tax for the fiscal ye.. ~948 allocated for streets of major importance other than state highways in the City of Gilroy; and WEEREAS,the city Council has he:ard read said agreemeRt in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the city Council of the City of Gilrqy that said project statement be and it is hereby adopted as the budget of proposed expenditures of the 1/4 cent gas teE allocated for streets of major impartame other than State Hilihways, and said agreement be and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor and the city clerk are directed to sli gn t he same on behalf 01' the oity,said agreement to be binding upon the city upon its execution by the authorized officials 0 f the State. ADOPTED this 7th day of JUly,l947 by the following vote: AYBS : NOES: AB SENT : Councilmen George A.Martin,Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas. Counc ilme n None Councilmen George M.Mason. I ~/ /J; ?Y". ~ C'/v.-hzv- V Ii'/..;I/'~ ' ~-t[ayor / Attest: ~ .~. ~ City Clerk "