Resolution 210 RESOLUTilOIf NO. 21,Q. RESOLUTION AUWORIZING EXECUTION OF lGREEMENT WITH TEE GILROY TELEPHONE COMP AJ:IT, RELATIlG TO OPERATION AND MAINTEN-UCE OF RADIO STATION KROB OF GILROY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City off Gilroy is the owner of radio station KROB, maintained and operated by it for police protection purposes, and, VrnEREAS, the transmitter and equipment of the said radio station is in the Gilroy TelePhone Company building in Gilroy, C al i fo r nia:.tiJ.and WHEREAS, the said eq_ipment has been loeated in the said building and operated by Gilroy TelePhone Company exchange operators under an oral agreement between the said telephone compamyand the City at Gilroy, and it is necessary that a written agreement covering the opBeation of the said radio station be entered into with the said Gilroy Telephone Company and the City Attorney of the said City of Gilroy has submitted to the Counc il a written agreement relating to the matter; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a written agreement be entered into by the City of Gilroy with the said Gilroy Telephone Company covering the operation and maintenance of the said radio station ani that the 'proper officers of the City of Gilroy be and they are hereby authDrized to execute the said agreement as submitted by the City Attorney. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 1st day of November,1948, by the following vote: ~ AYES: Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L. stevenS,daIDeS B.Thomas,David V.Stout, Dale D.Daniels. NOES: Counci lmen None ABSE1.lT: Couno ilmen None Attest: CRQ.~ City Clerk ./7 APPro~7' ~ 7---r~~ /MtYor