Resolution 213 1 I , I I I RESOLUTION NO.~ WHEREAS the City Planning Commission ot the City of Gilroy has here- tofore adopted a resolution,known as Resolution No.22,the same being a resolution of intention to propose amendments to Ordinance NO.422,which is the Zoning Ordinance of the City of GilroY,and to oreate a new distriot under said ordinance to be known as "C1" district,whioh is to be a modified business district generally extending ~long both sides ot Eigel- berry Street from First Street to Seventh Street in the City of Gilroy, and to amend the said zoning ordinanoe in oertain partioulars required by reason of the oreation of said ...t~i8triot,and to provide for the regulations of said "Cl" distriot,whioh said proposed .Cl" distriot is desoribed as follows, to wit: co~mNCING at a point in the Southerly line ot First Street,distant thereon 150 teet Jesterly from the point of interseotion of the said Southerly line ot First Street with the West- erly line of Eigelberry Street,and running thenoe in a Southerly diteotion at a uDiform distanoe of 150 teet trom the Westerly line of Eigelberry Street to the Northerly boundary of Seventh Street; thenoe in an Easterly direotion along the Northerly boundary line ot Seventh Street and its oontinuation aoross Eigelberry Street and its further Westerly oontinuation to its interseotion with the centerline ot the alley extending through Blook 1 South of Range 1 West of the City ot Gilroy and running thenoe in a Northerly direction aLong the center- line of said alley to the Southerly line otSixth Street,and thence in a Westerly direotion along the Southerly line of Sixth Street to a point distant 150 feet Easterly from the southeast corner of Sixth and Eigelberry streets;thence in a Northerly direction at a uniform distanoe ot 150 feet from the Easterly line ot Eigelberry Street .to the South- erly line of First Street,and running thenoe in a Westerly direction along the Southerly line of First Street and its continuation across Eigelberry Street to the point of beginning. Reference is hereby had to the map and general zoning ordinance of said city now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City of Gilroy. AND VmEREAS the said City Planning Commission did, on the 17th day of December,1948,pursuant to notioe therefor given,hold a hea~1ng upon the proposal to establish said "01" district,and after the said hearing the City Planning Commission did, by resolution,adopt the proposed change and did make and file its written recommendation,f1ndings and report that said "Cl" district be established,subject to certain conditions therein set forth, NOW, THEREFORE , be it resolved that a public hearing will be had on the 24th day of January,1949,at the hour of 8 o'clock p.m. at the Counoil Chambers ot the Common Council of the said City of Gilroy in the City Hall ot said oity when and where any person interested may protest and/or objeot to~ the oreation of said proposed "Cl" district and the ohanges required to establish the di8tr1ot. Passed and adopted this 3rd day of January,1949 by the following votes: AYES: Councilmen Ge erge M.Mason,J .H. Wentworth ,Ray L.Stevens, James B.Thomas,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. Councilmen None NOES: ABSENT: /7 :h:"'r J; /' / Mayor None. Counoilmen '/-7)' JI' . v ; -1'((~ 1060 ~ Attest: G. C~, (2N Ci ty Clerk .'